Dating Coach Reveals 3 Powerful Ways A Woman Can 'Instantly' Be Seen As A Leader At Work

When it comes to confidence, work and dating aren't so different.

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Having confidence stems from the belief that you hold inherent value and worth just for being yourself. Yet expressing your confidence can sometimes feel difficult, especially in high-pressure environments like the workplace.

You might not think that there’s an overlap between dating and the corporate world, but dating coach Janelle Lynnae shares content that highlights just how linked those two realms are. She provides guidance for people who are looking to “build their confidence muscle” in both their personal and professional lives.


The dating coach revealed 3 powerful ways a woman can ‘instantly’ be seen as a leader:

1. Speak with authority

Sometimes, we just need to fake it ‘til we make it, especially when we’re feeling nervous. According to Lynnae, projecting an air of confidence through our voices and demeanor can go a long way in convincing others that we’re capable of great things.


“Speak strongly and with a bit of a commanding tone,” Lynnae advised. “This lets people know you believe in your voice and it will help people take you more seriously, as well.”

It might feel uncomfortable at first to speak boldly and take up space, but remind yourself that your voice deserves to be heard, especially if that means standing up for yourself in the workplace.

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2. Speak up in meetings

“Choose to speak up in as many meetings as possible. Be excited to share your ideas in meetings,” Lynnae said, acknowledging that speaking up can be scary initially and takes some practice to master.


woman speaking up in work meeting fizkes / Shutterstock

Letting yourself be heard might not come naturally, especially for people who are typically overlooked in corporate settings. Commanding attention in the workplace requires you to step out of your comfort zone and maybe even speak over people, such as mediocre men who think they know more than you.

“Trust yourself,” Lynnae continued. “Trust that your idea is valuable.”


Trusting ourselves takes practice, too. Learning to overcome that little voice in our heads whispering negative things isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it.

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3. Maintain a growth mindset

Lynnae’s last recommendation centers around staying open to other people’s thoughts and taking their opinions in stride.

She advised people to keep “a growth mindset when it comes to feedback,” which is often easier said than done.

“Be open and willing to receive healthy critique,” she said. “Instead of being hurt by the feedback, choose to see the feedback as a gift.


When someone fully sees you and recognizes your potential, they’ll want to lift you up and help you build your skills, which is often done by acknowledging your shortcomings and being able to see them as growth points. Finding success at work requires being able to speak up when necessary and also knowing when to listen.

“Be grateful that someone is willing to give you this feedback to help you grow and get better,” Lynnae said. “Feel empowered by the feedback and make the changes necessary.”

She did note that there’s a crucial difference between healthy critique and toxic criticism, saying that her advice pertains only to “Healthy, constructive feedback, [and] does not apply if you’re being bullied in the workplace or if you have a manager who is constantly tearing you down.”


Trusting ourselves and building up our confidence is a challenging endeavor in a world that wants women to keep quiet and stay in their lanes. Yet the more we practice stepping outside of what’s expected of us, the more we can step into our own power. 

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture and all things to do with the entertainment industry.