Computer Company Sets New Standard By Saying Fully Remote Workers Are No Longer Eligible For Promotions
Unsurprisingly, it’s disproportionately affecting employees who are already one step behind.

In the world of remote work, there will always be discussions about its efficacy — both from employees and large companies. However, it’s become more and more common for leaders to make decisions that favor their interests over their employees, especially those who tend to be happier and do better in remote work environments.
Just a couple of years ago, Dell Technologies CEO Michael Dell said that remote work was “here to stay,” alluding to the future of the company being flexible for its employees.
However, recent news disproved his claims. Dell employees are being forced into hybrid work if they want to be considered for promotions.
The once-progressive Dell Technologies has retracted its previous support for ‘fully remote workers,’ saying they will no longer be eligible for promotions.
“The new policy will give employees two options,” TikTok creator Luke Graham said. “The first is that they can move to a hybrid work schedule… in the office three days a week. The second option is that employees can maintain their remote status… but will be ineligible for promotions and role changes.”
Graham argued that the media coverage of this decision would inevitably be bad, which was the case, as professionals and Dell employees expressed their outrage for the discriminatory and divisive decision.
“They would be better off telling everyone to go to a hybrid schedule,” he said. “It’d probably have less fallout both internally and externally.”
“At least they're being clear… I can guarantee there are a lot of hybrid companies where this is sort of an unofficial policy,” Career growth expert Alec on TikTok said. “Which is more diabolical, in my opinion.
In February, Dell told employees that to be eligible for promotions, they’d need to work a hybrid schedule from ‘an approved office.’
Dell's new policy allows employees to stay fully remote. However, they’re also urging employees to return to an “approved office” three times a week.
It sounds like a great opportunity for flexibility; however, there’s a catch. Employees who stay fully remote will not be qualified to apply for new positions at Dell or receive promotions.
Photo: Odua Images / CanvaPro
Not only is this pigeonholing people who choose to stay fully remote, but it’s also keeping them from achieving career advancement without the sacrifice of balance, family time, or personal health and wellness.
Many employees are confused as to why they are being forced to turn their lives upside down to advance their careers.
Many Dell employees who have anonymously spoken to Business Insider about this hybrid mandate feel forced to sacrifice upward mobility because of their personal lives. Dell’s founder and CEO, Michael Dell, was previously considered progressive — supporting and even encouraging employees to take advantage of remote work for flexibility in their lives.
Professor Cary Cooper also told Business Insider that technology companies have been moving towards a “pack mentality” in recent years — trying to align with other large companies rather than sticking with what’s productive for their employees. Instead of following his recent trend of supporting remote employees, Dell’s priorities have radically shifted.
“I think big businesses’ stance on remote work at this point is pretty clear: they don’t really care for it,” Graham said. “If this phenomenon continues where small businesses model themselves off larger companies… I think we’ll continue to see the dwindling of remote work opportunities in the future.”
This decision from Dell is dividing employees, with some senior leaders calling the practice not only “anti-remote” but “anti-women.” Not only is it hurting people who are unable to physically leave their homes or travel to a new office, but it’s also taking away the freedom of many employees who’ve structured their lives around working from home — many of whom happen to be women.
We’re all living in a sad, post-pandemic workforce, with leadership teams that are entirely out of touch with the reality of employees today. Despite expert research on the benefits of remote work, they continue to dehumanize employees — stripping them of their means to save money, take care of their families, and prioritize their health.
Zayda Slabbekoorns is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health and wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.