Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 28 — The Moon Aligns With Mercury
The universe is always working in your favor.

On Friday, March 28, a divine moment of opportunity arises in each zodiac sign's love horoscope as the Moon aligns with Mercury retrograde in Aries, allowing you to reflect, speak up, and share your innermost feelings. The union of the Moon and retrograde Mercury in Aries will allow you to become aware of your own feelings. This process can help to bring closure to past situations and help you clearly communicate your needs in your current relationship.
Mercury retrograde can bring a foggy energy to your life; however, in this case, it’s not about logic, but emotion. You don’t need to question your feelings because each emotion serves a valuable purpose. This is your chance to completely change your romantic life for the better if you take the invitation to reflect and share.
Tomorrow, on Saturday, March 29, the New Moon solar eclipse in Aries will occur, ending a cycle you’ve been in since 2023 and helping you start looking forward to the future. Before that occurs, though, the universe offers you a chance to truly share how you feel and what you want for your romantic life.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for March 28, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Don’t spend too much time overthinking, Aries. The energy of the Moon and retrograde Mercury in your zodiac sign of Aries can add up to much energy. The positives are this can increase your sensitivity, and help you reconnect with what is most important.
However, it may also lead to overthinking and confusion. You may also experience greater anxiety in your relationships during this time, so be sure you are coming across as your confident self versus any desperation. You deserve to be chosen as fully as you choose someone you care about.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It’s okay to take some time alone, sweet Taurus. Right now, it’s better to embrace your solitude than try to force anything.
The alignment of the Moon and retrograde Mercury in Aries may lead to feelings of needing to be isolated from what has been occurring in your romantic life.
This will help you sort out your feelings and understand what they represent. While you might feel pushed to make a decision, don’t feel like you have to rush through this process.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You have to decide what you want, Gemini. You are a sign known for frequently changing your mind. While this can benefit you in pursuing your purpose, it can create challenges in your romantic life.
Your partner needs to know that you are sure about them. Instead of only focusing on what you feel you need from the person you’re with, recognize that you may need to confirm that you are in it for the long haul.
Otherwise, the energy of the Moon and retrograde Mercury in Aries may create unnecessary challenges.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace the divine pause, Cancer. It may feel like romantic matters have suddenly slowed or stalled completely, especially as the Moon aligns with Mercury retrograde in Aries.
It’s important to know that this is not the end of the goals you’ve been working towards. Whether it’s hoping to attract a new love or seeing an existing connection become serious, you are pausing for a reason.
This is your chance to reflect on whether what you are pursuing is truly what you want or if you are settling because you don’t want to be alone.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Hold space for understanding, dearest Leo. The energy of the Moon, as it aligns with retrograde Mercury in Aries, may make you close-minded and unable to find a compromise within your relationship.
Although you’re normally open to learning and expanding your beliefs, you may feel defensive now. Unfortunately, the particular issue in your relationship cannot be put off for another time, so it’s important to hold a space of understanding.
Remember, you and your partner should be on the same side, not against one another.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace the confusion, Virgo. While no one likes feeling confused, for you, it can often create a crisis moment that is difficult to overcome.
As the Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in Aries, you will feel confused about how to proceed in your relationship or regarding your own feelings. Instead of trying to push through and find clarity, embrace the confusion.
Lean into what you don’t know and realize that it may be the answer you need if it’s not the one you wanted. Confusion can be an answer in romantic relationships, often pointing to larger challenges and misalignments.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Slow down, dear Libra. There is no reason to feel like you must rush through what you’re currently going through. The answers will come soon enough; at this moment, it’s enough for you to practice being present.
Despite thinking that you and your partner had cleared most of the hurdles in your relationship, you now have to work through another challenging period.
The energy of the Moon and retrograde Mercury in Aries bring difficulties in moving forward together as a couple after a betrayal occurred in your relationship.
While you may feel like you know what you want now, you are being urged to slow down and truly connect with your feelings before doing anything impulsive.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You don’t need to always be on guard, Scorpio. Being on guard is often connected to hypervigilance because of the wounds you’ve experienced in the past. But it also places your own source of power outside of yourself.
The Moon and retrograde Mercury in Aries will invite you to call your power back into yourself, helping you see you don’t always need to be on guard. When you feel like you’re watchful of what will happen next, you often will attract the very scenario you’re trying to protect yourself from.
Instead, by embracing your power, you can profoundly change how you operate in your romantic life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
There is still hope, Sagittarius. As the Moon aligns with Mercury retrograde in Aries, you may feel like your chance at reconciling with someone is lost.
However, this isn’t the case. You will be emotional and sensitive, especially during the solar eclipse New Moon in Aries tomorrow, March 29.
Rather than let yourself succumb to negative feelings, try to understand the purpose for what they are arising. It may not be until this moment that you fully understand just how much someone means to you, and now that you do, you can devote your energy to getting them back.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Any issue can always be worked through, beautiful Capricorn. An issue or challenge may arise within your relationship or family today as the Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in Aries.
This is where you’ve been doing a deep review of old wounds as you’ve been encouraged to focus on healthier relationships. The issue may come across unexpectedly, but your job is not to let it revert the growth you’ve accomplished.
Be sure you honor your healing and growth as you respond to any situation, knowing that this is all part of the process and not something meant to break up your relationship.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It’s perfectly okay to agree to disagree, Aquarius. This theme may be one that can salvage an existing relationship in your life. However, this is only true if it’s not about something that affects your self-worth or is part of a nonnegotiable for your life.
You don’t need your partner to agree with every perspective you have, but you must ensure you’re on the same page. You may have trouble finding the truth today, and if that occurs, it’s better just to agree to disagree rather than forcing any issue.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
No one can make you feel worthless, dear Pisces. You are one of the givers of the zodiac, and though this is a gift in romance, it can often feel like a curse.
You give and then hope that the special person in your life will do the same. However, that mentality doesn’t always reflect a great deal of self-worth.
As the Moon and retrograde Mercury align in Aries, they are gifting you a new way of looking at yourself and your relationship.
This isn’t about a tit for tat energy in terms of giving, but it will help you understand that you need to value yourself before you can expect that another will.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.