Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of March 31
How you love yourself is as important as the love you show your partner.

Relationships will improve for five zodiac signs starting on March 31, 2025. As one month ends and another begins, it’s important to pause. March was one of the most intense months in 2025, with Venus and Mercury retrograde, and the finalization of the Aries/Libra eclipse Season. While the dust hasn’t yet settled, as Venus and Mercury are set to station direct next week, now is the time to ensure you aren’t overextending and exhausting yourself.
When you don’t care for yourself, you have less to give, resulting in greater frustrations, shorter fuses and unnecessary arguments. Pause as you begin April, knowing that just like you tend to the buds of new growth in your garden, so must you do for yourself.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer will rise on Friday, April 4, reminding you to care for yourself and the person you love. This very nurturing energy can help you understand how to make adjustments within your routines and how you approach your partner. While your feelings will be heightened during this time, it can also help you take a step back and focus on your own care, so that you can better love your partner.
Following the First Quarter Moon in Cancer, the Aries Sun will align with Jupiter in Gemini on Saturday, April 5. The Aries Sun is about action, but this season has slowed because Venus and Mercury are retrograde within this fire sign. However, now that both planets have transitioned into Pisces and are almost direct, you might finally feel the urge to move forward.
Combined with Jupiter's lucky and expansive energy, you may move past a challenging phase or finally feel certain the past is behind you. It’s OK if much of this energy occurs internally, as Mercury and Venus will begin to station direct on April 7, so the time for action is almost here, if it doesn’t feel like that.
As the first week of April comes to a close, retrograde Venus will unite with Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, April 6. Retrograde Venus in Pisces has been helping you discover your emotional truth while reflecting on what needs to end in your life to keep progressing. This isn’t necessarily a relationship that will end, but could also be a belief or way of relating that is no longer beneficial.
As Venus retrograde aligns with Saturn in Pisces, you will be given the tools to plan for action and commit to what you want and who you want to become. Hold space for yourself and the one you love this week, and recognize there is no rush in moving ahead or making decisions. If all you do this week is care for yourself and show your partner that you love them, then you have done enough.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs the week of March 31 - April 6, 2025:
1. Capricorn
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Being in your feelings is a positive, Capricorn. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on Friday, April 4, will have you wanting to spend all your time with your partner, and those you hold close. This may limit your social plans, but it is part of giving you a little break from all you’ve been going through.
To make the most of this energy, you must let yourself slow down and connect with your heart, which Yin yoga might help you with. By connecting with your heart, you can see how you can take better care of yourself, directly reflecting how you show up for your relationship.
A loving energy will surround you this week as the First Quarter Moon in Cancer rises on Friday, April 4, especially as the Aries/Libra eclipse season is behind you. There has been a lot going on, if everything has felt good in your relationship and life. Instead of thinking you must keep up a certain pace, let yourself slow down this week and be a homebody.
It’s perfectly okay if you don’t get as much done, because that’s the point of this energy. If you’re single and hoping to find love, you may want to use this time to give yourself a little self-care, trusting that what you pour into yourself now will help you attract new love once Venus stations direct on April 12.
2. Libra
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Dream big, glorious Libra. You’re finally feeling this new energy, and much freedom is associated with it. Either you just ended a karmic cycle in your life, or you and your partner have talked through matters which will allow for greater autonomy. Regardless of which it is, you are a bright light right now that positively affects the lives of those around you.
The best part is that you can finally start focusing on where you want to manifest a new beginning in your life. This could be a new relationship if you’ve recently ended a connection, but it could also be a new chapter in an existing love story. Only you know which it is, but you have to trust that you are being guided by the universe toward what you’ve always dreamed of.
Beginning on Saturday, April 5, the Aries Sun will align with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing fresh energy to your romantic life. This may involve a trip or international travel. If so, you may meet someone significant during this time. If you have been busy working through challenges in your existing relationship, this energy will help you put the past behind you and finally allow you to move forward.
It’s best to start thinking about your plans or themes connected to closure and acceptance, as you don’t want to waste this energy rehashing the past. Instead, this should center around all you have dreamed of and how you can finally begin to move forward with the love of your life.
3. Virgo
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You have to get serious about how to move ahead, dear Virgo. There has and still is a great deal of energy in your house of relationships, thanks to Venus and Mercury retrograde in Pisces. While this has been a strenuous time, it has helped you understand your feelings more deeply. This energy was meant to be part of an excavation process to deal with everything you’ve been putting off or trying to avoid actively in your relationship.
While difficult at times, the only way to truly create a healthy relationship is to face the uncomfortable moments, knowing that those define your relationship, not the easier and carefree ones. You may want to journal before talking with your partner, just so you can feel clear about approaching this issue, remembering it’s not what your relationship looks like that matters, but how you feel.
On Sunday, April 6, retrograde Venus will unite with Saturn in Pisces, helping you figure out how to move forward in your romantic life. With Venus and Mercury retrograde in Pisces, it has felt like you were stuck in the past or continually revisiting past themes without knowing how to put it all behind you.
The purpose was to have you reflect, honor your feelings, and begin to figure out a plan, which is your strength. Use the energy of retrograde Venus and Saturn in Pisces to plan how to move forward, whether that involves couples counseling, a new agreement between you and your partner or simply setting aside space for quality time. By focusing on logical and real-life ways to move ahead, you will be in the right place to once Venus stations direct next week.
4. Pisces
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Love comes in many forms, sweet Pisces. You haven’t been prioritizing your romantic life recently. While this may have felt like it went against your authentic nature, it has served a valuable purpose in helping you focus on yourself. Yet there is a difference between focusing on yourself and being open to love, versus closing down because you think what you’re looking for is impossible to find.
You can receive immense joy from loving yourself, friends, or family, but that doesn’t mean any of them take the place of the partner you seek. To love someone special to you and embrace your romantic side is part of what you need to feel like your best self, so it may be time to start opening to love.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on Friday, April 4, will increase your feelings toward those you hold special in your life. If you are in a relationship, this will be a magical time in your connection, allowing you to feel loved and cared for genuinely. However, if you’re single, this lunation can help you start to honor what you truly want from your life, which includes a relationship, regardless of what you’ve been telling yourself.
Try to hold space for the emotions that arise, without judging yourself or fearing what will happen if you open up. Being open to love doesn’t mean you must jump on dating apps immediately, but it does mean that you’re admitting to yourself that you want a relationship. You are willing to let love change your life and aren’t letting fear hold you back from receiving the love you’ve always desired.
5. Scorpio
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You have to keep going, Scorpio. Venus retrograde in Pisces may have felt isolating, as you started to feel hopeless that your romantic life would ever turn around. This period also likely affected your creativity and ability to create joy. However, the purpose wasn’t to complicate matters or make you feel like love was impossible.
Instead, it was to help you understand what you genuinely want and believe is within your power to achieve. When you realize that everything you want is possible, you move differently. This impacts you by increasing your confidence in relationships rather than being defensive, and it can help you start to make the changes you seek rather than waiting for someone else to do it for you.
As retrograde Venus aligns with Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, April 6, you will experience a moment of inspiration. Almost at the end of its retrograde, Venus in Pisces will help you understand what or who you want while encouraging you to seek your own joy. As retrograde Venus aligns with Saturn, you can regain your power, shedding any insecurities you’ve recently felt.
This will help you take up space, move with conviction, and trust that you are on the right path. You may have to make a plan or set boundaries to move forward with your lessons and relationship; however, as long as you don’t give up now, you will experience significant improvement in your romantic life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.