What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About March 6, Per A Tarot Card Reader

What question do you want answered? Think about it before reading your tarot card for the day.

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About March 6, Per A Tarot Card Reader Design: YourTango | Photo: Los Muertos Crew / Canva Pro

On March 6, 2025, the daily tarot card reading for each zodiac sign reveals some intriguing insights that you can use to improve your day. Today's message from your tarot card takes into consideration the First Quarter Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Pisces and how each helps us be more open-minded, less judgmental, and interested in what we can do to learn and grow spiritually. 

The Moon in Gemini brings out the energy of the Magician in our tarot deck. So, ask yourself, what do I need right now to accomplish my goals over the next two weeks? What do I do well, and what do I need to finish to move on to new projects and close out current ones? To find out more, let's see what your tarot horoscope wants you to know, according to a tarot card reader.


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Your zodiac sign's daily tarot horoscope on Thursday, March 6, 2025:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

aries tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Three of Cups

What do you have to celebrate, Aries? Are there baby steps that have compiled to significant results or big wins?

Wherever you are on your journey, this is the time to get your favorite people together to enjoy a time of fun and celebration.

You may reminisce on how far you have come. Abundance is in the air; embrace it by noticing what you are grateful for.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

taurus tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: King of Pentacles, reversed

Not everyone is worthy of your freely given trust, Taurus. This is a good time to use discretion, knowing that not everyone will handle it carefully.

This card may also signal to connect with your values, as temporary flings may have caught your eye. Notice what may be out of line, whether in others or yourself.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

gemini tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Ace of Cups

What you give energy to grows, Gemini, whether it be through your thoughts, attention, or actions.

Use this knowledge to your advantage to bring more goodness into your life. As you begin to let goodness overflow in your mind and seek it around you, the more you will see.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

cancer tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Three of Wands

You must see something in your mind before you can receive it, Cancer. This is an amazing time to dream and speculate — even about things your mind tells you are “too big” or “impossible.”

Your mind is incredibly fertile right now, and your horizons are broad. So, what would you like to see come forth, even in your wildest dreams? It begins in this stage, first.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

leo tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: The Lovers

Who are your loved ones, Leo? You may have people in your life who you feel you can be totally yourself or with whom you can feel the chemistry between you.

Make time for these relationships, or even ones that haven’t been developed yet but show promise.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

virgo tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Knight of Wands

Your quirks aren’t what makes you less than others, Virgo; they are your greatest assets. This is a fantastic time to realize that your differences can be your greatest strengths.

Additionally, their power comes about fully when you embrace what they are instead of feeling the need to hide them. 

Are there any parts of yourself that need to be celebrated more? Are there any strengths that need to be realized?

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

libra tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Four of Swords

Nothing in nature blooms all year, Libra. Dry and rocky periods are natural, as well. You may feel as though you are frozen and in survival mode.

Your body and spirit, out of love, may be responding to protect you, perhaps withdrawing to silence or isolation.

While these can serve their purpose for a period, ensure it doesn’t overstay. Connect with others and work to move through this period.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

scorpio tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: The Star, reversed

Are bleak and depressive feelings coming to visit, Scorpio? This is an excellent time to assess how you are doing — however uncomfortable it may be — and what may be stealing your energy.

There may be something personal, like ignoring your intuition’s guidance or people-pleasing, that is contributing. Reflect, considering what may be affecting you.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

sagittarius tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Page of Wands

Life is coming into play, Sagittarius! Exciting things are happening, and new doors are opening in time.

Keep an open mind, and be attentive to new opportunities, letting your ambition and ideas lead you. You have so much potential, Sagittarius!

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

capricorn tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: Nine of Swords

Avoiding something doesn’t make it go away, Capricorn — what you do not heal and nurture may arise until you do. You may feel distressed and weighed down at the moment.

While this is not your fault, take the invitation to address what may be happening more deeply. Are there any parts of yourself needing love? Are any areas needing nurturing or beliefs requiring correcting?

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

aquarius tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: King of Pentacles

When you are sure of something, what another person says troubles you less. So, get to know yourself and other things that are important to you personally, Aquarius.

As you become more grounded in what you know to be accurate, you will feel less threatened by other people’s thoughts and words.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

pisces tarot horoscope Photo: Vasya Kobelev | Design: YourTango

Tarot card: The Chariot

Your willpower, determination, and other strengths drive you to success, Pisces. You know what you want, and you may fight for it until you get it, which is beautiful.

It enables you to not settle for anything less. Keep your eyes on the prize, considering what you really want in the long term, and you will be sure to get it.

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Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.
