3 Zodiac Signs Experience Significant Relationship Transformation This Week
Look into your heart for the answers to your relationship's problems, and astrology will help you take care of the rest.

Feelings do change, and your emotions may be the key to your zodiac sign's relationship transformation the week of February 24 - March 2, 2025. If you're one of these three zodiac signs, you will see your relationship differently and become aware of your needs.
Be mindful of what surfaces the Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, February 26. The Moon represents your feelings, and in Aquarius, it will make you prone to rebel while Uranus in Taurus represents a shift or change. You will be less likely to continue with the status quo and instead feel ready to make changes in your life. Be accepting your feelings, knowing there is no avoiding what you are meant to see.
On Thursday, February 27 the Pisces New Moon squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, representing a new beginning and a divine redirection. You may be feeling disconnected from your partner. Jupiter in Gemini represents the future that you dream of, while the Pisces New Moon brings the sudden realization that you’ve fallen in love with an illusion instead of what is real.
All of this energy surrounding a change in your feelings will peak as Venus stations retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 1. Venus retrograde can be a beneficial time as you’re able to make changes in your life by realizing what you truly are worth. However, it also often brings an end to certain relationship dynamics in your life that aren’t meant to continue.
Venus retrograde will continue for forty days, making this an extended phase of reflection so you must hold space for what arises. A change in feelings truly isn’t the end, but part of a new beginning — as long as you don’t avoid your inner truth.
Three zodiac signs experience significant transformation in their relationships from February 24 to March 2, 2025:
1. Libra
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A relationship ending doesn’t always mean the end of the world, Libra. You’ve been going through so much growth and healing recently but have tried to hang onto a particular relationship in your life. No matter what the universe has tried to reveal, you haven’t wanted to part ways with the vision that this relationship would eventually work out and be everything you ever wanted.
However, this connection in your life isn’t only holding you back from healthier and better romantic options, but it is stunting your potential. When you are so enmeshed with someone through wounding or karmic ties it can be difficult to envision your life without them, however, all of that is changing and you might just be relieved this relationship is finally ending.
On Saturday, March 1, Venus will retrograde in Aries, ruler of your romantic house. Venus retrograde is notorious for bringing about break-ups and challenges in your romantic life, however that will be felt strongly while it is in Aries from March 1 to March 27. Pay close attention to what is revealed to you during this period, as well as how your feelings change.
You may no longer be able to romanticize this connection and find yourself becoming frustrated or angry. This may lead to you finally seeing that this connection is controlling or limiting what you do with your own life, which will make you see that ending this relationship isn’t the end — but the beginning of the life you now know you deserve.
2. Scorpio
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Anything uncomfortable is trying to teach you something, Scorpio. You have known that changes were coming for some time, yet despite this, you tried to avoid taking any action. Although you haven’t been happy, you also haven’t wanted to change your life out of fear.
You will no longer be able to deny your feelings though, and so no matter how afraid you might be, change is now the only option. It can be normal to keep a relationship in your life as a safety net if it isn’t healthy or fulfilling.
When you are holding tight to one relationship, you have a reason why you can’t attract new love into your life. By doing this though you are only prolonging your suffering and making it difficult for you to envision any other version of your life. Start listening to yourself, recognize that your feelings have changed, and realize that until you choose to change your life — it will remain the same.
On Wednesday, February 26 the Aquarius Moon will square off with Uranus in Taurus making you aware of a shift within your feelings. This inner shift will prompt you to free yourself from a situation or relationship that has been holding you back.
The Aquarius Moon represents your house of home, domesticity, and family, while Uranus in Taurus signifies the process of transformation you’re going through in your romantic life.
As the two collide in a clandestine meeting, you will crave freedom on an intense level that will serve as the catalyst to take charge of your life and create the change you desire.
This process may be longer, as Pluto is currently in Aquarius helping you free, but this week offers you a pivotal moment in deciding what you will no longer accept — so that you can be in the place to receive what it is you truly want.
3. Sagittarius
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You mustn’t continue to hold yourself back, Sagittarius. Much of what you’ve been telling yourself is simply untrue. All those thoughts that you are better off alone or are meant to be single are only because of your broken heart.
Why hold on to the regrets about the past? You are destined for love, yet you’ve had to go through a process of learning what you genuinely want and need from a partner.
Rather than trying to run from your emotions, it’s time that you open yourself up to receive what your feelings are trying to tell you. Regardless of what surfaces around this time, your feelings are here to help you so that you don’t continue to hold yourself back from going after the love that you dream of.
The Pisces New Moon will square Jupiter in Gemini on Thursday, February 27, intensifying your emotions and making you realize what has been holding you back from romantic fulfillment. Pisces governs over your home and family, while Jupiter in Gemini is set to expand your romantic life through new opportunities and possibilities. Yet, with the New Moon in Pisces, they are at odds with one another.
You don’t truly believe that you can have or that you deserve romantic bliss, regardless of what opportunities surround you. Make sure that you’re not using yourself or your family as excuses for not being able to enter into a relationship, as it will only create greater challenges later on.
Instead, use this energy to focus on your inner self, and explore the feelings that arise as you may just get a chance for a redo in your romantic life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.