3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Financial Success The Week Of February 17 - 23, 2025
When finances are good, everything else feels great!

Money is looking good for the three Chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success the week of February 17 - 23, 2025. They will have the most financial success by attracting opportunities their way. But before we look at their financial horoscopes, here are the money messages of the week for everyone.
The I Ching hexagram of success this week is Thunder over Mountain (#62) changing to Fire over Water (#64). It reveals that small actions can over time lead to big financial results. So never underestimate the power of profit that appear to be nothing at first. Even a pillow for your lower back may appear like nothing, but if it prevents chronic back pain, that too will bring success in more leaps and bounds in the future.
Just remember: financial success has the inherent ability to transform one's life and their goals. It can be because the increased exposure brought peer pressure to conform to a certain ideal or societal image. It can be because the monetary success suddenly made you want something different in life compared to what you wanted in the past.
It can also be because the success changed you in fundamental ways and how you see the world. Try to be more mindful through such transitional periods and once you are on the other side, you will land firmly on your feet with your head held high.
Three Chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success between February 17 - 23, 2025:
1. Ox
Design: YourTango
Ox, you will have tremendous financial success this week because of your hard work in the past. Every time you denied yourself a pleasure to delay gratification, you were waiting for this day to be on you. There will be deep satisfaction that you could sacrifice for the future and now the future is here at last!
Working with the wisdom in esoteric texts will have a powerful impact on you too, whether that's the Gnostic Book of Changes, mysteries of the tarot, or even the obscure predictions of seers like Nostradamus. You may not outright see how everything will work in your favor, but the puzzle pieces will come together eventually.
If you have experienced financial blocks in the past, now's also a great time to remove any stagnant energies in your home, living space, and aura. Saging can help. Just make sure to keep all windows and doors open so the stagnancy can flow out and positive energy can flow in. Do this preferably in the morning when sunlight can stream into your home too.
Your power color this week is slate gray. Placing home decor pieces of this color can help you bring more grounded energy to your life and also mental stability.
2. Rooster
Design: YourTango
Rooster, your finances will be extraordinary this week, all thanks to the success that flows naturally into your career and professional life. As long as you keep your motivation high, whether engaging with your best friends, being creative, playing sports, or going on an adventure you were eagerly waiting for, everything will come together in the end for you with soaring success.
You will also find success when you make plans to put in the hard work necessary (tilling the earth, so to speak) for your financial future. The actions themselves may occur on a different day or week, but the income-generating plans are important for now.
If you have experienced blocks in your financials, now's a good time to work with the chakras in your body. A root chakra meditation can help with all seven energetic points, from root chakra to crown chakra. But if time is a constraint and you don't want to meditate for half an hour, you can also incorporate activities into your daily life that help you boost each chakra in your body. A little bit of research about money and investments will give you the roadmap.
Your power color for this week is gray-white. Clouds that are of this color will also be a positive omen for you, even if there's rain later in the day.
3. Rabbit
Design: YourTango
Rabbit, your financial life will transform in dramatic ways this week, all thanks to you attracting a ton of monetary success! So be clear-headed so you can general wealth with this energy and make some money. Clear-sightedness will help you steer away from energy vampires who may only wish to come in because they can sniff this success on you.
Those of you who are skilled with sharp objects, whether it's a kitchen knife, a wood saw, a paper cutter, etc. will find additional success through this skill. Developing these skills further or adding a new skill to your repertoire by participating in a workshop will benefit you.
If you have felt financially blocked in the past, now's a great time to look more closely at your social circle and find out if you have an energy vampire in your midst. For some, this may be a distant family member who only shows up when they need something but never responds when you are in need. Setting strong boundaries and working on remaining steadfast will help you remedy this situation.
Your power color this week can only be called “berry-toned”. Whether you incorporate this into your life through the lipstick you wear, the shoes you choose, a scarf, or even a tie pin, you will continue to attract success.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.