A Long Struggle Comes To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs After March 12, 2025
If the universe is testing your zodiac sign, it means it's preparing you to level up.

A long struggle comes to an end for three zodiac signs after their final test from the universe on March 12, 2025. It's time for your final challenge from the universe on Wednesday, and while that may sound sarcastic, we who have been through a lifetime of tests have grown accustomed to the challenge. What tests will astrology bring us on this particular day?
For starters, we have the Sun conjunct with Saturn in our daily horoscope. This forecast shows us that getting what we want right away on Wednesday is a little harder at first. While we did plan for this, obstacles still prevent us from proceeding smoothly.
Three zodiac signs may feel like the universe has brought about unnecessary hurdles to leap over, but trust when we say these struggles are in your best interest today and are the beginning of your hard times coming to an end. These three zodiac signs are pros when it comes to making problems go away. While it may feel like a test, it's the beginning of a wonderful new era of your life. Finally. Struggle is over!
A long struggle comes to an end for three zodiac signs after March 12, 2025:
1. Aries
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A long struggle comes to an end in your life on Wednesday, Aries, but first you will experience a test from the universe. Your challenge has something to do with you wanting someone else in your life to do something your way, and when they refuse, you feel put out and upset. The Sun is conjunct with Saturn during this challenge, and the light shines down on your frustrated response.
You'd like to see yourself as someone who can be tested while you move and groove through everything. The reality is that you're only human. So you can expect moments of difficulty to occur, especially when you're around other human beings. And fret not, things turn around quickly for you after this run-in, bringing a long period of hard times to an end.
March 12 may show you that you need more patience with people and perhaps even a greater lesson: not everyone is you. While that may seem obvious and trite, it's a thought you may want to contemplate as you move into a much more abundant period of your life on Wednesday.
2. Leo
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Sun conjunct Saturn is a real ego burner for you, Leo, and on March 12, you're going to be tested by the universe right before you realize the long struggle you have been going through is coming to an end. You'll find yourself in a situation where you aren't sure you can keep your cool. There's a person in your life who is getting under your skin, and you don't like it.
This could be someone you love, and more than likely is, but right now, during the Sun conjunct Saturn transit, you feel as if they are testing you to the zillionth degree. You aren't sure you like this test.
You'll find it's a lot easier to stand back and let them have their say so that they feel free and relieved of whatever burden they've been hanging on to. If you listen and show understanding to this person, the whole thing will pass much easier and you will see your hardships fade away. Finally!
3. Capricorn
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Struggle comes to an end for you after some challenges in the early part of the day on Wednesday. Feeling tested by the universe is just a part of this day for you, Capricorn, as the transit of the Sun conjunct Saturn has you feeling as if you need to fight for yourself when you seriously aren't in the mood for fighting. You were just tryng to get stuff done and then that person wants to talk.
You thought the days of confrontation and talk were over, and yet the person you are with hasn't gotten that memo. As a partner in a relationship, you should know that the relationship itself is always a work in progress.
So, the Sun, conjunct with Saturn may bring about some relationship issues and you must continue to pay attention to them. It's OK, Capricorn; this test will only bring you good fortune and lead to your struggle ending once and for all. Thank goodness.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.