4 Zodiac Signs Receive A Special Gift From The Universe On March 10, 2025

We embrace change, and we use it to our advantage.

zodiac signs gift universe march 10 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: SanneBerg from Getty Images Pro, Canva

Four zodiac signs receive a very special and unique gift from the universe on March 10, 2025. Monday will be a radical day regarding our astrology forecast, as we have mixed blessings in the form of a transit: Moon opposite Pluto. 

Here, we see that change is our destiny, and we simultaneously discover how scary change is to us. For Taurus, Gemini, Libra, and Scorpio zodiac signs, change is inevitable. The notion that we could go on without making this huge transformation was a joke, and we knew it.


 We might feel confronted or called out on March 10, but we want it to happen because we need the jolt of reality. Change is the universe's special gift to us with a little shock, tremor, and then peace.

Four zodiac signs receive a special gift from the universe on March 10, 2025:

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs gift universe march 10, 2025 Design: YourTango


Here comes a day that delivers a special gift from the universe. As they say, you have a few challenges and need to think outside the box. During the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, you, Taurus, will receive information that is both good ... and confrontational. At first, you might be perplexed about what to do with this new information.

However, you, being you and all, will see the opportunity in the new information and make something great out of it. What might feel scary at first is something you recognize as a chance to make a big change in your life.

This is how the universe delivers a special gift to you, and only you will recognize how this gift will work for you. Because you are curious and intrepid, you'll make this day and its transit work for you in terms of great change to come.

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2. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs gift universe march 10, 2025 Design: YourTango

Moon opposite Pluto presents you with a dilemma, but it's this small but present problem that has your mind working overtime to solve it. This is good for you, Gemini, because you are naturally a problem solver, so there's satisfaction coming your way.

The universe hands you little snags here and there because it knows you can learn from them, and during the Moon opposite Pluto on March 9, you'll gain knowledge from one particular situation and learn a great deal.


Special gifts from the universe come in all shapes and sizes, and you might discover that you not only have the patience to unravel the mystery but also know exactly what to do with it once you expose it for what it is.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Weekly Horoscopes For March 10 - 16, 2025

3. Libra

libra zodiac signs gift universe march 10, 2025 Design: YourTango


Moon opposite Pluto delivers a special gift from the universe: temporary confusion, and while that might not sound all that great, in your case, Libra, it's just what you need to sort certain things out in your life. You need to go around a problem to figure it out once and for all.

Makes sense, right? Critical thinking is your specialty, and during the Moon opposite Pluto on March 10, you'll find that what you do to figure it all out is almost a blessed experience. You needed this, and now, you can admit it.

The confusion clears and leaves you with a very clear answer, and this answer takes you through the day and inspires you. Big changes are heading your way, and now, finally, you can handle them with grace and joy.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Experience A Turn Of Fortune On March 10, 2025


4. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs gift universe march 10, 2025 Design: YourTango

At first, feeling confused or unsure of yourself doesn't feel like a special gift from the universe, but the universe doesn't always deliver its gifts in pretty packages. What you'll learn on this day will be a wake-up call; however, it will result in great things, Scorpio.

March 10 shows you that you are far more capable than you ever thought, and while you aren't up for being tested, you will see that all of your prior knowledge comes to show up on this day in mysterious and positive ways.


Big changes are about to show up in your life, and you are ready for them. When the Moon is opposite Pluto, you understand that life is a flux state; everything is in constant motion all the time, and you are now open to the positive. It's all good, Scorpio.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Attract Financial Abundance The Week Of March 10 - 16, 2025


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
