5 Zodiac Signs With Excellent Weekly Horoscopes From February 10 - 16
If you've had a rough start to the month, this week makes it all up for you.

The week of February 10 - 16, 2025, five zodiac signs can anticipate great weekly horoscopes. These zodiac signs will see great improvements at play beginning on Monday, and the energy will last for a solid seven days.
We have three major astrology transits this week. All week, the Sun will be in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The Moon will oppose the Sun, illuminating a large Full Moon in Leo on February 12. Two days later, Mercury enters Pisces on Valentine's Day, February 14. The week closes out with Pallas entering Aquarius on February 16.
The energies are fast-paced and zippy with a touch of dreamy and romantic energy. That's great news for the five zodiac signs that made this list, and if any are invested in finding a soulmate and true love, they have the luck of romance on their side.
In other areas of life, there may be a distinct need to slow down and take charge of your actions and direction so everything resounds well with your goals. Fated events may also play out since Pisces's energy draws hidden opportunities closer, especially in friendship and via social networks, now that Mercury is also in Pisces.
Spending time in nature or doing something nature-related, even if it's working on a herb garden at home, can provide some sudden inspiration. You can grow sprouts for breakfast or water plants for therapeutic grounding. With the winter months lightening up, stroll through the neighborhood or visit a public park. You are only restricted by your imagination as to what will work for you.
Five zodiac signs with excellent weekly horoscopes for February 10 - 16, 2025:
1. Taurus
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Most compatible zodiac sign for Taurus this week: Capricorn
Great day of the week for Taurus: February 16
This week, Taurus, you are more confident and step out of your comfort zone. When you do, beautiful things will happen for you, including in love. You love nature, Taurus. So, find a way to get more sunshine into your life. Enjoy time observing the planet and learn from it. Take an interest in the stars and see if you can spot a few and learn their names.
Monday through Wednesday will be the most easy-going for you. Or, at least, there will be more chances to be methodical and well-considered about your decisions and actions. From Thursday to Sunday, you'll feel more intuitive. If possible, plan some quality time with your siblings to boost your mental health and keep your inner child alive and thriving.
2. Capricorn
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Most compatible zodiac sign for Capricorn this week: Aquarius
Great day of the week for Capricorn: February 12
Capricorn, what goals are you working on? Do you need more time to focus on self-love, your partner, pets, friends, family, and other priorities? This week's planetary line-up sends you good energy that blooms through your consistent and methodical efforts.
Since you're the sign most affected by the zippy energy this week, you may be working overtime to reach goals and make things happen. Whatever you set your mind to do, keep a journal to record your progress. See how your results speak for themselves. You may even want to brag about it online or with a boss considering you for a future promotion.
Be more communicative in love this week, especially around Valentine's Day. Opening up can initially feel cheesy, but working through that mental block will be a great learning experience. Choose the path of love and watch your relationships grow closer and more intimate.
3. Aries
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Most compatible zodiac sign for Aries this week: Taurus
Great day of the week for Aries: February 11
Aries, how have you viewed life lately? Good areas of life can improve, and you can push boundaries for surprising growth this week. This week, goal setting makes the most sense. You can create a good strategy and structure your schedule to manage your time better for the rest of the month to maximize outcomes and minimize problems.
This applies to all areas where growth is possible, from hobbies to work. For some of you, self-love is highlighted as something to focus on, especially if you already struggle with anxiety or self-doubt or have a lot of Pisces placements in your birth chart.
4. Leo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Most compatible zodiac sign for Leo this week: Leo
Great day of the week for Leo: February 14
Leo, it's time to embrace your love of color, life and extraordinary living. This week's planetary lineup brings newfound interest in your personal aesthetic, including your fashion statement pieces and attire.
What types of food do you eat? Who are the people you partner with? What vacations do you want to go on? Focus on at least one thing you know needs a larger-than-life upgrade for whatever reason.
You have a Full Moon in your sign on February 12, so it's time to clear away negative energy. Do you have any habits you want to change? Make a list and begin taking action. You'll feel empowered even after the moon enters its waning phase.
5. Virgo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Most compatible zodiac sign for Virgo this week: Aries
Great day of the week for Virgo: February 15
Virgo, this week's great energy boosts your love for life and the people you spend the most time with. You may find fate helping you meet a soul mate through a friend, or if you've found the love of your life, you may discover your relationship's purpose via a composite chart.
This is a great week to meet with a professional astrologer and have a natal chart reading to explore your energies for the year. Don't you want to embrace more joy and release your need for perfection?
You're learning how good it is to trust your gut, so put it to good use, especially with Mercury, your planetary ruler, entering Pisces, one of the most intuitive spiritual signs in the zodiac. Isn't it nice to know that even if you can't please the whole world, you can choose to be authentic? You can if you want to this week.
Step out of your comfort zone and express yourself during the Full Moon and other planetary changes. You can break any patterns that no longer work for you. With the cosmic currents watching out for you, anything is possible.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.