3 Zodiac Signs Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships The Week Beginning February 3
We have a busy week, but it's nothing you can't handle.

Three zodiac signs become an unstoppable force despite their previous hardships the week of February 3 - 9, 2025. We have a very hectic week ahead, but opportunity awaits.
Mercury trines Jupiter on February 3, sending positive signals to each zodiac sign's horoscope. This is a hopeful transit that is great for any business meeting or your social life. Venus enters Aries on February 4 and will remain in this sign until June 6, except for a short stint back into Pisces due to its retrograde on March 1.
While it transits through Aries, Venus is in Mar’s sign and will signal greater passions, energy, and action directed toward Venusian pursuits, especially love. As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, Venus in Aries offers us a fresh start in terms of relationships, money, and determining where our true values lie. We will yearn for new experiences and desire to be more spontaneous regarding our social lives.
Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4 after a 5-month retrograde. Jupiter is one of the two money planets of optimism, hope, and gain. When Jupiter turns direct, it signifies a new period of positive momentum, expansion, and renewed growth. It’s when new opportunities can become available after introspection and rethinking.
Venus sextiles Pluto on February 7, and this transit can promote deep thinking about money and love and can help express all things, especially concerning your love life. On February 9, Mars trines Saturn, which is a positive aspect. This is a time when we can accomplish a great deal, especially in physical terms. We have more stamina than usual.
The Sun is also conjunct Mercury today, which can affect communication. It leans toward the ego going overboard and willfulness, so watch for these possibilities, and you can have a better day.
Three zodiac signs become unstoppable between February 3 - 9, 2025:
1. Aries
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
It looks like you are in a power struggle this week with someone who appears to be a rival. If it’s not someone who is a rival, then it would be someone else who is close to you, and it could even be a partner. Despite the hardship you face, you will feel unstoppable and able to handle it.
Sometimes, power dynamics can be off or unfair for many reasons. This is the issue this week, and it also looks like you are not in the mood to play games. This isn’t the first time this has happened; this same type of rival energy has been going back and forth, and it may even be the nature of the relationship.
Aries, you know you are a natural competitor and generally have no problem competing with others. The question you must ask yourself now is whether you are the one who is generating the power struggle through competition, is it the other person, or is it some of both?
Constant competition and rivalry can lead to unhealthy relationships, but later this week, you may have an opportunity to seek more balance. Balance is especially important if the person in question is a partner, close friend, or family member.
You have no problem with honest conversation and communication, and since there is calm in the storm, it is advisable to try and seek peace or at least a truce. Undoubtedly, you have the energy to bring this about, and it could solve many problems if you do.
2. Taurus
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
You may encounter some issues with work this week. It’s unclear whether you have all the facts or know what’s happening behind the scenes. Unless there is something else in your chart, it doesn’t appear you lost your job or anything this dramatic, so don’t worry about that, but it still seems you will have some disturbances concerning work.
The issues at work may have nothing to do with you directly. You may only be a piece of the chain, and there is a bigger problem elsewhere, even though you feel the problem directly.
Take some time to talk to others, research, and deep dive to whatever extent you can about what is happening. The problem or the missing link to the chain may have little to do with how you do your job. This is the foundation of creating unstoppable energy. Navigating these hardships that may have begun previously in your life can be the foundation of your growth.
Keep doing your job to your best, and don’t take things personally. The New Moon energy may reveal something outside of yourself that is the problem. Just don’t give up and keep doing your best because, in the end, it will all level out, even if you can’t do anything about the bigger issue with someone else.
3. Gemini
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
Your problem this week seems to be your mindset or how you look at something. Self-doubt can be a crippling thing, and sometimes we need to release old ideas or tapes that keep running in our heads, telling us we can’t do something. Now is the time to focus on letting self-doubt go, along with the belief that it won't work out this time because something didn’t work out before.
The first thing to do to be unstoppable despite a past hardship is to figure out what is holding you back. Was it something someone said a long time ago? Are you thinking about past failures? Whatever the case is, it’s important to reflect deeply and get to the bottom of what is causing your insecurity. The next thing to do is to let it go. Past failures are simply stepping stones on the path to real success.
Do some research and think about what you hope to accomplish. It isn’t easy to let go of old ways of thinking, but if you can manage to do these two steps, there is a good chance you will succeed and get what you are hoping for. And don’t forget Jupiter, the planet of luck, is on your side until June!
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.