5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck & Good Fortune All Week, Starting February 3

Luck will flow to you like never before.

Chinese zodiac signs luck good fortune week February 3 - 9 Design: YourTango | Photo: SanneBerg from Getty Images, Canva

The week of February 3 - 9, 2025, will be an auspicious time for five Chinese zodiac signs attracting luck and good fortune all week long. This week, the I Ching hexagram of luck is Mountain over Heaven (#26), which encourages the need for inner strength and firm intentions on your life path. 

This will allow you to know what's for you and what is for others. Peer pressure will not influence you then; your decisions will align with what rings true inside. Once you find this stability within and inner security, luck will flow to you like never before. 


It's almost like a channel through the earth holding the might and power of a rushing river. If the channel didn't exist and hold firm, the river would flood everywhere and dissipate. It is almost like creative inspiration that always strikes everyone equally, but only a few can take advantage of its might. 

Five Chinese zodiac signs attract luck and good fortune the week of February 3 - 9, 2025:

1. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs luck fortune february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Horse, your luck this week is a bit strange. It will prick you under your skin to do something significant with your life and not give up even when the going is tough. If you are stuck in procrastination mode, you will never exert tremendous effort to align with this energy. Meditation and energy drinks (the more sugary, the better) can help. 

You will eventually realize that your luck requires this change in you for it to flow into your life. It can be compared to a baker kneading flour, water, and yeast together and then letting it rest, only to return to see it doubled in size. That's your luck. The color green will be lucky for you this week, and also marigolds.

RELATED: 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Have Good Luck With Money In February 2025

2. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs luck fortune february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Ox, the title may say “future-focused,” but this is not just about embracing technology and futurism to find your luck. Nope. Your luck this week is also tied to planning for the future for you and your loved ones in tried and tested ways. Whether this is purchasing a home, saving for retirement, saving for college, and many other things, your luck will blossom when you channel it into the spaces it needs to go. 

This luck may also bring an opportunity that demands growth and step out of the comfort zone but eventually turns everything in your life into gold. The color red will be incredibly lucky for you this week.

RELATED: 4 Chinese Zodiac Signs Having An Incredibly Lucky Year Of The Snake

3. Rat

rat chinese zodiac signs luck fortune february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Rat, your luck this week will have a spiritual and supernatural tinge. Divination can help you figure out what's coming, whether you use tarot cards, runes, tea leaves, or even astrology. Engaging with your dreams by journaling what you see right after waking up can give you clues and insights over time. Once this luck rolls in, it will bring beauty to your life in the most magical ways. 

For some, this luck will bring you a supernatural message from “the other side” from a beloved family member or pet who passed away. So be mindful and note any strange occurrences and billboard popups. The color orange will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: 2025 Chinese Year Of The Snake Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

4. Pig

pig chinese zodiac signs luck fortune february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Pig, your luck this week will bring you gastronomic delights that will become core memories. But you can go out of your way to give this luck a chance to surprise you. For example, making a dinner reservation at a Michelin Star restaurant for you and your family or partner or spontaneously zipping off on a food adventure in your city's unexplored hideouts and “hole in the walls.” 

You may even be invited to a dinner with friends where someone surprises everyone with the most delicious chocolate cake ever. You get the idea! Lean into this luck to find joy and camaraderie this week. The color blue will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: Astrologer Says Life Gets Easier For These 4 Zodiac Signs In 2025

5. Dragon

dragon chinese zodiac signs luck fortune february 3-9, 2025 Design: YourTango


Dragon, this a unique luck that will grace your life this week. It will power the words you write on paper, in an email, in a text conversation, or even while coding on the backend. Anything related to writing and scribing will bring luck to you. Plus, your luck will continue to bloom when you continue to engage, so it's a positive feedback loop. 

Grab some journaling supplies and stickers and fill out a few pages in a scrapbook if you feel like it. Vision boarding and scripting manifestation are recommended since they will be in this luck's wheelhouse. The colors gold and purple will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: Luckiest Day Of The Month For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign In February 2025


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.