The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From February 3 - 9, 2025
Luck is what happens when fate and chance meet at a specific time on a certain day.

Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week of February 3 - 9, 2025, shifts things into just the right order for fate and fortune to meet. Momentum and luck grow stronger on Tuesday, February 4, as Jupiter stations direct in Gemini.
Trust that the universe has your back and guides each step you take. Nothing is ruined or off the table as to what’s possible. Yet, you must be open to new insight and redirections as you will have the ability to seize incredible opportunities that can accelerate your life and have you enjoying the blessing that is your fate.
Knowing what you want is as important as trusting yourself. But it’s equally essential that you trust in the timing of the universe so that you are willing to take a risk when manifesting your fate.
Use the energy of this week to assert yourself and your intentions, but also take an unconventional approach as you trust that everything is happening to help bring you closer to your fate. What day ought you take action? Your luckiest day horoscope can help.
The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign from February 3 - 9, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Tuesday, February 4
Embrace your divine nature and let that lead you, Aries. You are the first sign of the zodiac, so it’s time to embrace that energy again. This spirit inspires you to live out loud, no longer hide your strengths, and take action to achieve what you most want.
You may have had some setbacks you’re still recovering from, but once Venus returns to Aries on Tuesday, February 4, it will help you feel like your confident self. Use this lucky energy to tune back into your inner self to live boldly and on your terms. This can help you attract greater opportunities into your life and show you that you have been on the right path — no matter what it feels like you’ve been through.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Tuesday, February 4
Take the first step, Taurus. You have been in a deep reflection phase since Jupiter stationed retrograde in Gemini in October. This has allowed you to understand what you deserve and time to reflect on financial matters. Yet, as Jupiter stations direct in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4, you can start to see how to move forward with your dreams.
You can increase your wealth only if you honor the ideas and need to change things. Don’t let fear strike. Go all in on your own business or follow a new dream. Jupiter seeks to expand your life by attracting greater financial abundance and adding value to your life. Understand what you need versus what you want; this will put you in a perfect position to take action and reap more luck.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Saturday, February 8
Embrace all the luck that surrounds you, Gemini. You are moving into one of your luckiest phases all year. Not only will Mercury Cazimi occur in your house of luck on Saturday, February 8, but Neptune and the North Node will unite in Pisces, highlighting professional matters and your ability to succeed. With areas related to expansion, travel, and your career activated, it’s important to devote time to your professional life.
You have already been focusing greatly on your career since Saturn shifted into Pisces in 2023, but now you’re about to see how it will all pay off. You need to be mindful of making sure you’re not letting anyone hold you back from your professional aspirations, especially a romantic partner. This time in your life is all about you, so it’s up to you to make the most of it.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Friday, February 7
You don’t always need a plan, Cancer. It may seem risky to follow your intuition and seek to enjoy your life, but that is precisely what you are being guided to do. On Friday, February 7, Neptune and the North Node will unite in Pisces, inspiring you to have an adventurous approach to your life. You have been focusing so much on creating a new beginning in your life in the right ways that you’ve forgotten to enjoy this time.
Listen to your intuition and go where your soul calls you to find luck. This is an incredible time to focus your energy on travel, spirituality, or taking a retreat somewhere exotic that combines both. You are on the right track, but many of your decisions may still result from what you’ve just gone through. Use this time to enjoy life so that you discover your inner truth.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Wednesday, February 5
You deserve to have a win, Leo. You’ve been diligently working on your professional reputation and achievements. This has required you to embrace change and be open to seizing new opportunities that align you closely with your purpose. All of this work has already started to bring in the results you’ve been seeking. Still, as the First Quarter Moon rises in Taurus on Wednesday, February 5, you will finally receive the recognition you deserve.
This is a big win for you and will result in a promotion, raise, or other professional achievement. Be sure to continue your current pace and focus, and don’t let yourself become disheartened just because it feels like you’ve been working so hard for this. The achievement you receive this week will be about a new and permanent chapter in your life, so get used to this level of success.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Tuesday, February 4
Prepare yourself to receive everything you’ve ever wanted, Virgo. You have been trying to manage so much in your life. This is one of the busiest periods of your life, where you see opportunities and movement in your career, relationship, and home life. While it may have been strenuous at times, you’ve excelled in prioritizing what needs your attention and making room for joy.
As Jupiter stations direct in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4, prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Jupiter direct in Gemini is set to bring incredible luck and opportunities and growth to your professional sector. This truly is the success and financial abundance you’ve always wanted. Just make sure not to spread yourself too thin and to have conversations with those in your personal life so they understand the need to focus on your career during this time.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Tuesday, February 4
What are you waiting for, Libra? The universe can only bring you certain opportunities so many times before you finally take that leap of faith. You know that you are meant to live an expansive and abundant life.
Yet, up until this point, you’ve thought about matters rather than taking advantage of them. All of that will change, though, as Jupiter stations will be direct in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4, helping you no longer to wait for your fate to arrive but instead go out after it.
Open up your perspective on life, leave behind the fears, and trust in your ability to know what’s right for you. You may be considering relocating internationally or expanding your current business. A change on this day may bring you luck.
Try to understand no matter how long you wait; it will still feel like a risk to take a chance on yourself. Use the energy of Jupiter in Gemini from now until June to seize opportunities and follow your heart to what’s meant for you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Saturday, February 8
Make the most of where you are, Scorpio, but don’t settle there. You are meant to be working through some important issues in your home and family now, yet you can’t lose sight of the life you dream of.
You are entering a breakthrough moment in your life and your healing journey that will create greater freedom and expansion. Be mindful of avoiding anything or settling for what’s easy, as Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius occurs on Saturday, February 8.
You are freed from what has previously held you back if nothing has changed. But now, you must do the work and have conversations to set yourself up for success. Focus on planning for what you want and conversing with those affected by these changes. Doing so will signal to the universe that you’re ready to receive luck and what you’ve been wishing for.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Tuesday, February 4
It’s time to get excited about life, Sagittarius. You’ve been feeling rather down and out recently. Although matters have started to turn around, it has felt like more work than play. However, this will shift once Venus returns to Aries on Tuesday, February 4. Venus governs romantic matters, finances, and real estate; however, in Aries, it also infuses you with a new zest for life.
This will enhance your luck, creativity and your happiness. However, you do want to be wary of impulsive decisions. Make sure any decision is one that your future self will be grateful for, and look at all sides of the situation before just jumping in.
You will have increased energy around you during this time, so you may naturally attract everything you have been dreaming of. Let yourself follow your happiness, knowing it’s the key to understanding your purpose.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Saturday, February 8
Seize the new beginning in your life, Capricorn. You have been so committed to your financial future that it’s time to start enjoying all you’ve been working for. Mercury cazimi will occur in Aquarius on Saturday, February 8 bringing an abundance of opportunities and rewards to your life. You should see an increase in your finances through a new investment or business opportunity.
Although this financial wealth will satisfy your dreams for what you’ve been working for, you will also be guided to focus on how to genuinely enjoy it. This will create a lucky space for you to focus on your relationships, along with how to add overall value to your life. Be open to new opportunities, but also make sure that you’re making plans for how to enjoy your life with those that matter most to you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Friday, February 7
Take a realistic approach to your dreams. You have developed a keen sense of intuition, allowing you to trust the universe. This has led to luck, success and significant developments in your romantic life. Now, it’s time to shift to a spiritual perspective in your life as Neptune unites with the North Node in Pisces on Friday, February 7.
Neptune and the North Node help you to understand how to make your dreams and intuitive downloads a reality; ground yourself and make logical plans. You don’t have to rationalize any spiritual downloads you’re receiving but allow yourself to follow through with the plans to make them a reality. By doing so, you will come into a deeper sense of self-worth, which will help you believe in yourself and all you want to manifest in your life.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Tuesday, February 4
Be assertive in pursuing what you know you deserve. As a dreamer, you have mastered going with the flow and surrendering to the divine plan for your life. Yet, that doesn’t mean to find luck you don’t need to assert yourself or your ideas with confidence.
As Venus shifts into Aries on Tuesday, February 4 you will become focused on your finances and manifesting what you want in your life. This will influence your romantic life, helping you to not just follow your heart, but take the first step.
Venus in Aries does represent an increase in wealth, however, this may involve a change in where you are earning money. Either through a new job, or an unexpected financial gift. Be certain about what it is you want for your life, whether it’s wealth or love, and then trust in yourself enough to go after it — as in this moment the universe wants to see how much you’re willing to do to have the life of your dreams.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.