Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On February 21, 2025

A path toward greatness opens during Moon square Saturn on Friday.

zodiac signs hardships end February 21 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Théo Cold from Pexels, Canva Pro

On Friday we not only learn from our mistakes, but three zodiac signs attract promising new opportunities. On February 21, 2025, these three zodiac signs see their hardships come to an end as they figure out exactly what to do to tap into resources that were hidden before. 

Astrologically, we've got help: Moon square Saturn is here to show us how to not repeat the past, and to figure out what went wrong and fix it moving forward. For Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces zodiac signs, this is major news. We're tired of walking into the same traps again and again. We now know how to be flexible. We know that trying new things is good for us, and we want to see what works. The minute we start to believe things are possible ... magic occurs.


The doors to opportunity open and hard times become a thing of the past. So much of it is made possible because we let it happen. We got out of our way and now, the path is clear. We attract all that is good and right, and we know what to do now and we are headed toward much better times.

Hardships come to an end for three zodiac signs on February 21, 2025:

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs hardships end february 21, 2025 Design: YourTango


If there's an important lesson for you to learn on February 21, it's that staying positive does work when it comes to attracting promising new opportunties. You've spent a little too much time in the negative; so much so, that you've gotten used to it. Moon square Saturn gives you a choice: Stay dark or go light.

By going light you will suddenly start to notice that the world around you seems to match your mood. If you take it upon yourself to believe that goodness prevails, then guess what? Goodness prevails.

That's the Law of Attraction for you. And because you now believe in the idea that new opportunities are meant to come your way, Moon square Saturn does its finest work by providing you with proof. It's happening, Virgo, and it's all good.

RELATED: 2 Zodiac Signs Attract Abundance & Luck On February 21, 2025


2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs hardships end february 21, 2025 Design: YourTango

What you've experienced as of recent times is that the mistakes you've made so far, are not worth repeating. You are so smart and clever, too, and you want to be the person who learns the hard lessons and goes back for seconds.

And so, during the transit of Moon square Saturn, you'll find that those hard lessons stuck with you, so much so that you feel you can take brave chances on new things. This attitude snowballs and opens up the doors to new opportunities.


You're not feeling skeptical at all, in fact, you see that what looks so promising now may be a vibrational shift. The power of Moon square Saturn brings you face to face with optimism and the idea that you deserve a second chance.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About February 21, Per A Tarot Card Reader

3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs hardships end february 21, 2025 Design: YourTango


At the beginning of this day, you might not be thinking along the lines of what promising new opportunities await you, and yet, this day and its transit, Moon square Saturn, have some great news in store for you, Pisces.

Here you have a day that gives you the chance to see it all as positive and productive. Something has shifted in the universe, and Saturn's massive energy field seems to be affecting you personally ... and in a good way.

What seemed like an impossibility only yesterday now looks like it's made of pure potential. This, you like. This, you feel good about and now that your curiosity is piqued, you feel ready to move forward to meet this great new opportunity.


RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs With Very Good Horoscopes On February 21, 2025


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
