3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Significant New Era On February 18, 2025

We're really on to something special.

zodiac signs significant new era February 18 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: CoffeeAndMilk from Getty Images Signature, Canva

Long gone are the days when we procrastinate and hope for something to happen. On February 18, 2025, three zodiac signs enter a significant new era during Moon trine Mercury, and what we're about to see is nothing short of stellar.

For three zodiac signs, we're looking at giant leaps toward goals we only dreamed of attaining. We're talking about significant progress during Moon trine Mercury, as this transit is a powerful delivery system.


Whatever we've been working on, we will see that all the time and energy we've put into it has been worth it. All it takes is the patience to hang in there to know that everything we've done had a purpose and now, we're really on to something special.

Three zodiac signs enter a significant new era on February 18, 2025:

1. Leo

leo zodiac signs significant new era february 18, 2025 Design: YourTango


Nothing in the world is like seeing something come together, especially after you've put in as much time and energy into it as is humanly possible. And, you get to see some stellar results, Leo.

Because we have the results-oriented transit of Moon trine Mercury bringing the support, zodiac signs like your own are being catapulted into a significant new era in life; work moves along smoothly and the fruits of your labor appear to be excellent.

You're in good shape during Moon trine Mercury, and this is just the beginning. What looks like significant progress right now only turns into more and more energetic momentum over the next few days. It's a great day to be ambitious.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs significant new era february 18, 2025 Design: YourTango

Good ol' you, Libra; always into something, always working on some project that takes up all your time. You love concentrating on one particular thing just to see where it takes you, and on February 18, you'll see the progress you're making and realize you're entering a significant new era of your life. Your talents are truly ablaze.

This day comes with the transit of Moon trine Mercury, and that sizzling Mercury energy is what's going to inspire you beyond your wildest dreams. Just one little bit of progress is enough to give you hope.


And hope is what's going to take you to the next level, where this project is concerned. Now, you're making some serious progress, Libra, and that's enough for you to take it to the end. You are results-driven, but the journey is just as important to you.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs significant new era february 18, 2025 Design: YourTango


Not only will you enter a significant new era on on February 18, your horoscope will also make you extremely happy. On Tuesday you can finally say that whatever you are working on is starting to show some wild results. Your vision is coming together, and you love it.

So much of this is possible because you've put in the hours and you've got the transit of Moon trine Mercury coinciding with those hours. This day brings it all together for you and gives you the encouragement to keep it going.

Moon trine Mercury works fast and is integrity-based, so you can also trust that the progress you are now making isn't just significant, it's the right way to go. This day brings a smile to your face, Capricorn, but then again, you knew you'd get here.


RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs With Very Good Horoscopes On February 18, 2025


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
