3 Zodiac Signs Are The Universe’s Favorites On February 17, 2025

Not meaning to brag, but the universe likes me a lot.

zodiac signs universes favorites February 17 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Mirac Sendil from Pexels, Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs are the universe's favorites on February 17, 2026. Astrologically, the Moon in Scorpio can help us understand what makes us special and how we can use our talents to feel good about simply existing.

Gemini, Leo, and Pisces are the three zodiac signs that will discover this power on Monday, and it will almost feel as if we're being singled out by the universe itself. It's as if the cosmos is giving us a pat on the back ... and we really, really like that!


If we are looking for affirmation or some kind of sign that we're not alone in all we do, then we will feel more than special today, as the Moon in Scorpio works to show us that in a way, at this point in our lives, we are favored by the stars.

Three zodiac signs are the universe’s favorites on February 17, 2025:

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs universes favorites february 17, 2025 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro


One of the funny things about you, Gemini, is that sometimes you feel like you're the luckiest, happiest person, and at other times, you wonder if the universe has just forgotten you altogether. No worries there, Gemini ... the universe always remembers you. And, you are one of its favorites all year.

During the Moon in Scorpio, things get very specific. If you wondered about being left out, it is during this lunar transit that you see that not only are you about to be lauded as someone who's done a great thing, you might even find that you're the favorite choice.

This day brings on that favorite feeling, meaning that during the Moon in Scorpio, you feel as if you can do no wrong and that everyone seems to just love you to pieces. Not bad, not bad!

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs universes favorites february 17, 2025 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro

Whatever you've been up to, Leo, it does seem to be the thing everyone wants these days, and while you don't have to do much more, you'll find that during the Moon in Scorpio on February 17, you're the go-to person on everyone's mind.

And hey, it's not like you don't love being that person. Just knowing that this awesome Scorpio energy is coming your way makes you feel as though you're on top of the world. People trust you and seek you out during the Moon in Scorpio.


If it's advice they want, you're there to give it. If it's a simple hug or maybe a comforting word, then that's your specialty. You're the universe's and the world's favorite today, and well, you certainly do fit the bill. It's all yours, Leo.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs universes favorites february 17, 2025 Sparklestroke | Canva Pro


Nothing like the Moon in Scorpio when it comes to you feeling like everything is going your way. You've always known you're one of the universe's favorites. You do well during Scorpio-related transits, and what you'll feel like on February 17 is that things are going your way.

You might even have a moment of doubt, as you smile quietly to yourself while noticing that this day seems to be going a little smoother than you anticipated. It's a day of good luck, but more: you feel as though you are something akin to the universe's favorite.

You can't help but feel that way during the Moon in Scorpio, as you don't mind the attention you'll be receiving today, from friends and colleagues. It's a day of high respect for you, Pisces, and well, who can see anything wrong with that?


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
