The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On February 12, 2025
The Snow Full Moon brings a promise of hope through signs you can see.

On February 12, 2025, we have the second Full Moon of the year. There's nothing more auspicious than a Snow Full Moon, and four zodiac signs receive a special message from the universe under this energy.
Whether we believe in astrology or not, we all tend to get a little 'loony' when the Moon is full. We experience lucid dreams. We notice celestial patterns and gain strange flashes of insight.
When we sense that signs are coming from the universe, we pick up on repeat numbers and words and sense that something beyond our comprehension is unfolding. The universe is speaking in its language, and its language is signs.
And by 'loony', we refer to the depth of our belief rather than anything too kooky. For four zodiac signs, this day will let us know that we really do have the power and that if we make a wish beneath the light of the Full Moon, then all we can say to that is 'so mote it be!' Let it be good!
The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on February 12, 2025:
1. Aries
Design: YourTango
We've got a Full Moon on this day, and you feel the power surging through your veins. You love getting into the mystical and being that you are more than likely a spiritual kind of person; the Full Moon always draws you to it.
All around you, you find signs that tell you that everything is working out. A door that was previously closed now opens. A rocky relationship starts to smooth, and you see that the past is a foundation to the future. This may be your projection as you tend to be a very optimistic person...or not. Maybe the signs around you are real.
In any case, you will make of it what you will, implying that if you decide to see odd signals and everything around you as joyous and wonderful, that is how the day will go for you. Make a wish, Aries, the Full Moon is here to take requests.
2. Taurus
Design: YourTango
If there's a day for you to feel magical, it's this one, as the Snow Full Moon is out to play, and so are you. Everywhere you look, you see messages from the universe, and each one confirms something wonderful for you. You may receive a long-awaited phone call that gives you good news. You might get a letter in the mail that lets you know information you didn't know before.
These telltale signs from the universe are positive. You have no time to see the negative, and even though your life isn't perfect, you're going to take that full moon energy and use it to believe that 'all is well.' In your world, life is too short to waste it believing the 'worst.'
And during the Full Moon on February 12, the signs are all around you, Taurus. You're being prepared for a higher purpose, and you're not just dreaming a better life for yourself; you're manifesting it by the second, thanks to the guidance from the universe. You're on a roll now; keep it going!
3. Leo
Design: YourTango
Right about now, you're feeling so powerful and capable that with the power of the Full Snow Moon making itself so very obvious to you on this day. February 12, you know that your life is about to change; you honestly believe that you can make things happen.
Everything in your life right now points to the idea that you are a magical person; you've seen things that couldn't happen and made good use of your time and talent. During the Full Moon, it feels like it's 'go time.'
All around you, you find confirmation as to the idea that you have some control here, and while you're not about world domination, if you can control your mind to the degree where you feel happy most of the time, then you've created a huge success.
4. Virgo
Design: YourTango
The universe's messages are everywhere for you; surprisingly enough, they are good. Why? You often don't believe that great things can happen to you, and yet, you've always adored the idea that the Full Moon can make wishes come true. You have been looking for hints, which may arrive in three patterns to confirm you're on the right path.
So, here you are, and it's February 12, and what do you have before you? A series of events that promise great fun and adventure beckons you to participate. So, there's still more to come. This makes you happy.
There's no sense in staying in a bad mood, not during the Full Snow Moon, as you feel the Moon only magnifies your feelings. So, instead, you'll do the right thing by yourself on this day and put all of your belief into the idea that everything is fantastic. Because ... it is.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.