4 Zodiac Signs Receive A Special Gift From The Universe On February 11, 2025
A brightly wrapped gift for you, zodiac sign.

On February 11, 2025, the universe is about to present four zodiac signs with a very special gift. Astrologically speaking, we're looking at the giving nature embodied in the transit, Sun square Uranus.
Uranus energy squared by the Sun shows Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius zodiac signs that if we are to receive great rewards, we must always be true to ourselves and stick with our codes. Sun square Uranus shows us that there is strength in original thought and power in being different. Knowing this is a gift, and it's time to unwrap it.
Four zodiac signs receive a special gift from the Universe on February 11, 2025:
1. Libra
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
What a gift to be told you are perfect just the way you are. The wonderful thing about you, Libra, is that you are perfectly happy being your unique self. You've never felt the need to fit in, and while you are genuinely friendly and outgoing, you don't mind being the oddball. You like it.
On February 11, during the transit of Sun square Uranus, you'll get the chance to show others that you are OK as you are, and how this translates as a gift from the universe is in the way you convince others that it's OK to be just you.
Everyone is so caught up in trying to fit in and be like everyone else, and when Sun square Uranus is in the sky, people like you, Libra, are only too happy to just exist as yourselves. You don't need to be like anyone else, and that is a true gift.
2. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
The special gift you'll receive isn't so much a gift as it is a reassurance of who you are and what you believe in. February 11 brings you the Sun square Uranus transit, which specifies originality and love of self.
What you'll feel happening during Sun square Uranus is that you really and truly like being you. You like the person you've worked hard to become, and it's a very unique individual at that. All of this pleases you.
What makes you feel so special is that you have become a better version of yourself; nothing has changed all that much, but what was improved only makes your life better. You are strong, unique, and willful, and that works for you, Scorpio.
3. Capricorn
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
As a Capricorn, it's part of your life's job to look for what's interesting and learn as much about it as possible. During this day's transit, Sun square Uranus, you'll find what you are looking for, which will hold your interest.
February 11, brings new interest to your life, and this is exactly what you need. You are endlessly curious about many things, but what floats your boat is finding something new and unknown to sink your teeth into.
The special gift the universe provides you is the gift of the unknown and the endless joy you may find in it. Here's where your mind gets to wander, and here is where your fantasies are set free.
4. Aquarius
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
On February 11, during the transit of Sun square Uranus, you are truly yourself, Aquarius. Being yourself is such a gift from the universe. It's a state of freedom, as so much about life inhibits you.
Being inhibited is a state of repression for you; nobody likes to feel repressed. You like to express yourself freely, and you've got some wild and crazy ideas to share, some of which you'll be expressing today.
During Sun square Uranus, the Sun shines down on all of your wonderful eccentricities, making you feel proud to be the different one amongst your friends. You are a true Aquarius, always unique, never repressed, and this transit emboldens you throughout the day.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.