4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On February 10, 2025
Something brilliant and beautiful is here straight from astrology.

February 10 is an important day for four zodiac signs because astrology predicts that they will receive a blessing from the universe they can use. If you've ever felt like you're an outsider, but an outsider with great ideas that you are hoping to share with others, then this day should prove to be inviting.
Astrologically, we're looking at the influence of Mercury square Uranus on Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius and their daily horoscopes. The blessing from the universe is clear: Be proud to be different.
When we own our true selves, we live in peace, and so much of what Mercury square Uranus is about is owning that uniqueness, that originality, that thing that sets us apart from all the rest. On this day, we get to stand up for ourselves and introduce to the world something brilliant and beautiful.
Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on February 10, 2025:
1. Virgo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Your blessing from the universe is peace. If there's one thing you don't like to be told to do, it's being told what to do. Yep, that makes sense, Virgo, and the thing is, whenever you are told what to do by the people in your life who assume they know what's best for you, you have your alternate ideas in mind.
During the very interesting transit of Mercury square Uranus, you'll finally voice what's on your mind. If you are feeling "No" then you will say "No." The blessing of the day, February 10, comes to you in the form of you finally saying, "No."
Ah, the power of No is upon you, and once you get a taste of the freedom it gives you, you'll want to exert that power all over the place. Your people mean well, and you don't want to just slam their ideas down, but if you don't want to go along, then Virgo ... you won't.
2. Libra
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Your blessing from the universe is self-satisfaction. You've never really felt like you fit in with everybody and everything, and while the world may want you to feel guilty about that, you didn't do that either. You've always enjoyed being true to yourself, Libra ... and that's not something you'll ever give up.
During the transit of Mercury square Uranus on February 10, the blessing you'll receive in the care of the universe is the one that lets you feel fantastic ... just sticking to your own set of rules. You aren't hurting anyone, so nobody should care what you think or do.
The whole key behind Mercury square Uranus is that luck is found in the person who believes in themselves and sticks with their truth. This is a given for you, Libra. You are kind and selfless, but you know who you are, and no one will change that.
3. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
February 10 presents to you a day filled with universal blessings, which is all made obvious to you when you tell someone in your life that you don't agree with them but that you respect them anyway for whatever they believe in.
This is a day that requires you to remain calm and steady; you may find that conflict is resolved very easily simply because of your calm demeanor. What could become heated and long-lasting, with the help of Mercury square Uranus, turns into to each their own.
So, this day brings the blessing of "Live and let live." You feel good about your own choices, and the people in your life feel good about their choices. Do we all have to agree all the time? Certainly not. You are blessed to know that everyone has a right to their beliefs.
4. Aquarius
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
It is during the transit of Mercury square Uranus that you shine brightly, Aquarius. You've always been your star, and this shows on February 10, 2025. You receive a blessing and feel blessed, but not so much by an external source as you believe you are one with that source.
This day may take on spiritual tones for you, which you find very poetic. While you tend to be fatalistic at times, transits like Mercury square Uranus bring out the fantastical in you; this will be a day of great hope and many, many amazing fantasies.
You are only too happy to be yourself, on your own, living your life as you prefer. You aren't all that interested in what others think of you, and that is power, right there, Aquarius. So, more power to you during Mercury square Uranus. You do you, and you do it so well.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.