3 Zodiac Signs Entering A Positive New Era On February 1, 2025

Good energy all around.

zodiac signs positive new era February 1 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: CoffeeAndMilk Getty Images Signature, Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs are entering a positive new era on February 1, 2025. During the astrological transit of Moon trine Mars, we accept that time is fleeting, and we put our best efforts into creating beautiful situations for ourselves and our loved ones.

We are in the right headspace for inviting in the wonder of the universe, and as we've all come to know, it's all about perception. If we see this world as a big, beautiful place filled with potential, then our chances at happiness are much greater.


Three zodiac signs will experience a rush of positive energy today simply because we know it's ours to have if we want it. We have decided to be positive and have it all. Energy flows toward us and allows us to feel great about ... everything. A new era has begun. 

Three zodiac signs enter a positive new era on February 1, 2025:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs positive new era february 1, 2025 Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango


You feel as though you have a choice during Moon trine Mars; you can choose to see this world as hopeful and potentially beautiful, or you could sink into darkness and decide to feel blue and downtrodden. It is a choice, and you, being an Aries, opt-in for positivity.

It's in your nature to take up the challenge and stoke up as much positivity as possible, and during Moon trine Mars, you'll be fueled by that intense Mars energy; it always does a good job for you, where you are concerned.

And so, when you see that there is a choice here and that you can immerse yourself in good energy and be showered with positive vibes, that is exactly what you will do. You aren't kidding yourself, Aries; you are surviving as best as you can ... and good for you.

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2. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs positive new era february 1, 2025 Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango

Moon trine Mars gives you a chance to seize the moment and make it your own, and what that essentially means for you, Gemini, is that if you adjust your attitude to accommodate the good rather than the bad, you will become magnetic to positive vibes today.

Moon trine Mars shows you that you have a choice and get it on February 1. You are tired of focusing on the negative, and you've noticed that that's all anyone seems to have the bandwidth for these days.


And so, you will do the opposite of what everyone does, and in turn, you will be showered in positive vibes. When you open your heart to goodness, goodness seeks you out and manifests in your life in ways that thrill you.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs positive new era february 1, 2025 Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango


You've made the right moves recently and are starting to get used to what your efforts have brought you. You knew that if you were to experience the beauty of a truly positive vibe, you'd have to rid yourself of the negative influences in your life, Sagittarius.

Right now, on February 1, you have the transit of Moon trine Mars to enforce that choice. You decided to become free and clear of the negativity and found out that you have some control over this topic.

You steered yourself in the right direction, and now you can kick back and relish the positive vibes that were over you on this very day. Moon trine Mars makes you proud of yourself for making this choice, and you will enjoy every minute of it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
