3 Zodiac Signs Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships In The First Week Of 2025
This week, we're getting back to business after the holiday season.

Happy New Year to you and yours! This week, the final New Moon in 2024 falls in Capricorn on December 30. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of work, restrictions, and responsibilities, which may pose some hardships for three zodiac signs that each have the tools to overcome.
Our thoughts turn toward those things we need to do, especially after the first of the month. Making New Year’s resolutions? The Moon in the sign that rules responsibilities seems the perfect time for this.
On January 2, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters the sign Pisces until February 4, 2025, creating a great ambiance for love. Now is the time to embrace romance, love, fantasy, creativity, and dreams. However, since Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune, Venus in Pisces can also mean putting on rose-colored glasses and failing to judge a situation for what it really is. Love can be grand, but we must also pay attention to warning signs that tell us if the person we are interested in is not all in the relationship. Be careful who and what you choose to merge with during this time.
Mars has been opposing Pluto for some time, but this week it becomes exact on January 2. This volatile transit can generate a great deal of anger, especially since Mars is retrograde. A desire for recognition may cause conflict along with the desire for personal freedom and autonomy, both on the world scale and in our personal lives.
On January 4, we may have to come back down to earth and get back to business after times spent during the holidays.
Three zodiac signs become unstoppable despite previous hardships the week of December 30, 2024 - January 5, 2025:
1. Leo
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This week, you have some issues dealing with others that may stem from being and feeling so rushed and busy. You may not feel you have the time for other people's issues (or those you create yourself). This can trigger your underlying fears and anxieties and require you to confront them to discern what is real and what is simply a trigger to your subconscious mind. You may project onto others.
It’s crucial that you consciously manage your very powerful drives by channeling them constructively to avoid becoming overly controlling or aggressive. You have natural charisma which can also lead to power struggles with others if you aren’t aware. This is a time for self-reflection and channeling your willpower to avoid all impulsive actions, especially those relating to others.
If you can set healthy boundaries and reign in feelings of being over-competitive and emotionally reactive when challenged, you can overcome any feelings of resentment toward others this week. You will greatly benefit from physical exercise to release any built-up energy, meditating, and practicing mindfulness.
2. Aquarius
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This is a difficult week with Mars in your seventh house of partners opposing Pluto in your first house of self. Oppositions typically represent a problem that comes from someone else. This could include a romantic or business partner.
Deep-seated control issues concerning power and a very strong urge to change something significant could be present this week. You may have a desire to break free from what is considered the norm while also battling resistance to radical change that you desire at this time.
Recognize your own strong will to assert yourself, your independence, and challenges to your authority. While this is a challenging situation, it can also serve as a catalyst for your own personal growth. It can allow you to confront internal issues or perhaps even buried fears.
While this week may not be easy, with personal reflection and deep introspection, you can emerge more empowered and with a more authentic view of yourself.
3. Taurus
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You are on track to make major changes in your work life over the next few years. This week, you feel like something or someone is holding you back from progressing, whether that's someone at home or a co-worker.
When someone tries to hold you back from what you hope to achieve, it generally stems from fear of some sort that could include losing you. Or perhaps they feel you will achieve more than they will. It could also involve a desire for control or some type of deep-seated conflict.
Confront the core of the conflict and determine if this person is truly attempting to hold you back to have control or if fear is driving their behavior. Facing (and perhaps even asking) this question you can set clearer boundaries, but first, you must acknowledge the intensity of the situation as well as stating your needs clearly and perhaps acknowledging theirs. If this doesn’t solve the problem, you can talk to a trusted friend or therapist.
Getting to the root of the issue can improve personal growth on both ends and generate closeness. Use your natural desire for stability to help find equilibrium in the situation. Your grounding nature can help alleviate the fears or issues the other person is projecting onto you.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.