Heartache Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On January 27, 2025
Three zodiac signs begin a more resilient era starting today.
When the Moon aligns with Saturn on January 27, 2025, three zodiac signs feel a sense of liberation as their heartache comes to an end. We find relief at the end of a long struggle or an emotional release of pent-up feelings.
Saturn's energy works to repress emotions, and while that can be helpful at times, we all know that over time, pent-up emotion is eventually going to burst out in unpredictable ways.
What holds during this Moon-Saturn event is that we're not going back to what we were only yesterday. That doesn't mean a drastic makeover, but it most certainly does mean that we will only stand for a positive outlook. This one's on us, and we take up the challenge willingly.
Heartache ends for three zodiac signs on January 27, 2025:
1. Taurus
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva
You've known this day was coming, Taurus, and you've also known that it would have to happen organically and of its own time, as forcing it into being would not be an option. This, of course, refers to your feelings about someone in your life.
And this person is someone with whom you feel disappointed. You trusted them, and you wanted with all your heart for them to live up to your expectations, but they just didn't, and now it's up to you to let them go emotionally.
Saturn's energy helps you out here, Taurus, and on January 27, you'll see that this is the right time to say goodbye to that one person and realize that you are better off without them. The beautiful part is that you now open the doors to great opportunity and happiness. You are ready to break free from heartache.
2. Virgo
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva
You rarely like to admit that you're at the heart of all your problems, but with a Moon-Saturn transit influencing you on this day, January 27, you'll feel as though you are the boss of your life and that you are the one who can get you out of that funk.
Whenever we have Saturn, we have a confrontation, which is with ourselves in the mirror. You have realized that you take things too personally and that if you continue to do so, you will be forever at the mercy of other people's opinions.
And then, it all changes on this day, and your attitude of self-confidence returns. You knew you had it in you, Virgo; you knew you could pick it up again, and it's true ... you're a winner. Letting others get to you is a thing of the past. You are now ready to break free, and you're done with the heartache once and for all.
3. Capricorn
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva
January 27 is the day you call it quits. Not on your job or your relationship, but on a certain way you've been acting. You've always been very smart, but you tend to ignore the advice of others, as you have an innate distrust of other people's opinions.
While you have this in common with everyone else on Earth, you still believe you could be a little more open because not everyone is out to get you. During the Moon-Saturn event of the day, you'll want to break free from your past habits, and those traits that have led to heartache.
This is good, Capricorn because it shows you that you are not locked in and rigid; you can bend like a blade of grass, which allows you to adapt easily to the conditions around you. You now feel as if it's OK to at least 'listen' to others. They may be wrong, but then again ... they may be right. Hmmm.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.