Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On January 27, 2025

We no longer wish to spend time struggling for no good reason.

Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On January 27, 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Deagreez / Canva Pro

The struggle ends for three zodiac signs on January 27, 2025. Mercury in Aquarius is our astrological guide for the day, and three zodiac signs will respond very quickly to this influence. We consider letting go of the struggles we've held tightly to because we finally see them as worthless.

This is an important day for Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn zodiac signs, as the Aquarius factor reminds us that so much of what we're struggling with is unnecessary. Aquarius is always there to help us get in touch with our true feelings, which is why when we have Mercury in Aquarius, we feel the need to flee from that which is inauthentic.


And on January 27, we do flee. We run from the stuff that keeps us in one place because we've come to realize that this one place is something so irrelevant and inconsequential. We no longer wish to spend time struggling for no good reason. This is where the expression "Choose your battles wisely" comes into play.

The struggle ends for three zodiac signs on January 27, 2025:

1. Leo

leo struggle ends zodiac signs january 27, 2025 Design: YourTango


There's something you've been struggling with for a while now, and at first, you didn't think this would become a problem, but now, as you look back on things, you realize that this is taking up much more of your life than you ever intended it to.

You've let something get out of hand, and during the transit of Mercury in Aquarius, you will realize that you have to nip it in the bud. There is a very good chance this has something to do with you and your romantic partner.

The two of you have fallen out of good communication, and now you are on the verge of resenting what it's become. And then, Mercury in Aquarius comes in and has you realizing that this is no way to relate to another person. This is the beginning of an end and big positive changes for you, Leo.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio struggle ends zodiac signs january 27, 2025 Design: YourTango

What you know right now is that a struggle has to end in your life, and it mainly concerns your relationship with someone else, whether they are a friend or romantic partner. The two of you need an intervention, and Mercury in Aquarius provides the perfect conduit for proper relating.

Mercury does the trick when it comes to saying the right thing at the right time, and when Mercury is in Aquarius, the right thing to say is often humorous or lightweight. That could be what's been missing: levity.


And so, you bring the laughter with you on January 27, and being a Scorpio, you know how to deliver the punchline. Be prepared to laugh with the person who drove you bonkers only yesterday.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn struggle ends zodiac signs january 27, 2025 Design: YourTango


Well, here you are, Capricorn, and because of the transit Mercury in Aquarius, you are looking at a choice. You can return to your everyday maintenance of the struggle that seems to be what your life is about, or you can consciously reroute it all.

That's how Mercury in Aquarius works: it allows you to change. You can change yourself, your work condition, the way you speak with your partner, and your attitude towards them in general ... in other words, this day, January 27, is for big change and for leaving behind the weary work of struggling through it all.

Because you are a Capricorn, finding balance and a solution comes naturally to you. You can't give up now, and you know it. So, know that if all it takes to get past this struggle is a few kind words and some sincere consideration for another person, then go for it. It will be worth it in the end.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
