The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On January 23, 2025
When the stars speak to us, we had better listen.
The universe has a very special message for four zodiac signs on January 23, 2025. During Mercury opposite Mars, it is in our best interest to pay attention to the signs and alerts around us.
This transit is special and demanding. We must be present for what's happening during the day. The message is already here, and we can ignore it or pay attention to it. If we open our hearts and minds to what's going on, we will receive vital information that will enrich our lives. Sounds like a no-brainer. Let's do this.
The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on January 23, 2025:
1. Aries
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The message for you from the universe is to do it. Yep, just like the slogan says. That's how the transit of Mercury opposite Mars works, Aries; it reminds you not to look back and to stay on course. You have things you want to accomplish, and now is not the time to get slacking.
It's time to make it happen, and when Mercury opposite Mars is in charge, it means now, as on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Get up and make it happen, Aries. You've got the power and intention, and with Mercury opposite Mars on your side, you've got the timing.
That's the special message meant for you, and you had best listen to your gut on this one because you know the universe is right. You don't want to miss out on an opportunity right now. Action is key.
2. Cancer
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Same as it is with Aries, the day's special message from the universe is all about action and staying true to your word. You have promised yourself results and given yourself enough time to make this a reality. So, if you still have not accomplished said project, get to it, Cancer.
You cannot deny the power push that comes with the transit, Mercury opposite Mars, and the power is with you and for you, so make the most out of it. This is the way the universe shoves you into taking a positive step.
And it's all about making life better for yourself, Cancer. It's all about being there for yourself and believing in yourself to the point that you take up the power and fight. You've got a dream to make into a reality; Mercury opposite Mars makes this possible.
3. Virgo
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You aren't the kind of person who likes to be told what to do, nor are you one to do what another tells you to just because it's good for you, but on this day, you will take someone's advice, and you will learn that the universe sometimes speaks through other people.
It's not an ego thing on their part, but it might be on yours, and what this means is that when someone gives you great advice, they might be doing it out of concern and love for you; they aren't trying to control you, Virgo.
The special message that the universe is telling you through the transit of Mercury opposite Mars is that it's OK to listen to good advice because the advice given to you is fated to do you well. So, act on this message and take in all the good news, as you will benefit greatly.
4. Sagittarius
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The universe has a special message for you during Mercury opposite Mars. The universe tells you in no uncertain terms that you absolutely must change something in your life. Mars energy is demanding and finite; something's gotta give, as they say, and you just happen to know what it is, Sagittarius.
What's going on during this transit is that you feel as though your heart is on the line, and if you let yourself become too vulnerable, that heart of yours will end up in pieces, and you don't want that. It's time to use that speedy Mercury energy to detach from emotions.
It's not always the case, but on January 23, you need to pull back emotionally, lest you get carried away by them. Mars is an emotional influence in a Sagittarius world, and Mercury in opposition is the ultimate wake-up call: you need to get out now and spare yourself the heartache.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.