3 Zodiac Signs Experience Powerful Transformation On January 17, 2025
You are about to enter the reality you want.
On January 17, 2025, three zodiac signs begin a powerful period of transformation as the Moon trines Mercury, opening our minds and heightening our perception.
It's time to decide whether we want to stay dreaming or if what we want out of this deal is to see those dreams come true. Hey, we all know how nice it is to just stick with the fantasy, but for these three signs, fantasy is not enough.
Moon trine Mercury shows us that every person has infinite potential, and will see our full potential come to life during this day. We are now in mode for action. Transformation has arrived, and it's only getting better from here.
Three zodiac signs experience powerful transformation on January 17, 2025:
1. Gemini
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Well, at this point in the year, you are not only ready, willing, and able to start living up to some of those resolutions — you've got the opportunity to do so, which was not expected. Yes, you knew ahead of time that things could be good, but on January 17, they're great.
You tend to do well during Mercury transits, and with Moon trine Mercury, That's right, Gemini; what you want, you get today, and you are oh so happy about it.
Moon trine Mercury works with your sense of urgency, letting things fall into place rapidly and securely. What you've only dreamt of is now happening ... and it's happening fast. What more could you want?
2. Virgo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Moon trine Mercury has set it up so you will start living the life you've been dreaming of on January 17. Something good will come to you, perhaps something you've lost ... a trinket, an old photo, or, it could be an opportunity that you believed was no longer available to you.
What you'll see take place during this time is what you thought ... it is not what is happening. You might have shut the doors on your life goals, believing in your heart that they will never happen, and yet, this day brings a new vantage point to your dream.
Because of this Mercury transit, you can revisit an old idea or, as mentioned, find something you thought you lost. It's all about recovery today. Your passion, abundance, and success is coming back to you on Friday.
3. Libra
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
What's happening in your life, Libra, is that you're only now starting to realize that the opportunity you've just been handed is the one that can help you fulfill a very personal dream of yours. Only you know how deep this goes, but the motions for success begin.
During the transit of the Moon trine Mercury, all the pieces seem to click into place suddenly. It's as if people understand you — finally. You may feel as though you've been trying for years to convince others that you are right about something, and today, you get your proof positive.
Being heard is all it takes. Now, you are being taken seriously. Now, others see your point, and while your ego is still well-balanced, you can't help but get a little thrill from it all. It's all going to work out, after all.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.