Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign January 6 - 12, 2025
A redirection in life will always arrive in divine timing.

There is a great deal of change-orientated energy at play beginning on January 6, influencing each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week. Horoscopes the week of January 6 begin with Mars shifting back into the zodiac sign of Cancer as part of its retrograde journey.
Mars first stationed retrograde in Leo on December 6, and now that it’s shifting back into Cancer, you are being urged to reflect on how to better listen to your heart. Fall in love with your life again, trusting that you deserve to live your most authentic life.
Mercury will shift into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, helping to ground you and your dreams with a bit of logic. This energy will help you embrace the shifts happening around you and make plans that can help you seize the redirection or unexpected opportunity that will arrive. Mercury in Capricorn reminds you that you must see all sides of a situation before deciding so that you can trust you are setting yourself up for success in the future.
Each zodiac signs luckiest day of the week of January 6 - 12, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Wednesday, January 8
You have been on a journey within your career, Aries. This journey may have had you changing jobs, wanting to find something that adds greater value to your life or further your education.
There was a recent boost to this process with the Capricorn New Moon on December 29, but as Mercury moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, this will be amplified, helping you to achieve success and recognition. Use this to negotiate for a higher wage, a better job, or to simply enjoy knowing that everything you’ve been doing is finally paying off.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Wednesday, January 8
Embrace all of the beautiful possibilities that surround you, dear Taurus. You are beginning a year guaranteed to transform your life in ways you’ve given up hope on. This process you’ve been in was never about giving up on your dreams but about having patience with divine timing.
Mercury, the planet of communication, will move into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, bringing in new offers and developments that will help you start believing in yourself and your intuition once again. The energy of Mercury may not only invite you out of your comfort zone but also may involve travel plans, so be ready to seize whatever abundant opportunity the universe has in store for you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Saturday, January 11
Dearest Gemini, you will finally have the clarity to start choosing your destiny. You’ve been focused on your professional life since Saturn shifted into Pisces in 2023. But this is greater than just attaining increased wealth; it is truly about feeling connected to what you are doing and serving a higher purpose.
But all that work of Saturn in Pisces is about to pay off as the North Node, ruler of your fate, moves into Pisces on Saturday, January 11. This is an incredible energy that you will get to work with through 2027 and will help you achieve all of your professional dreams — remember not to let anyone stop you.
Listen to your intuition, and start focusing on your career so that you can use this to achieve greater success and abundance.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Saturday, January 11
It may have felt like there would never be an end to the previous chapter of your life, Cancer. But you now see what it truly means to be free from your past. Although you are busy figuring out where to invest your energy now, there seem to be many possibilities.
Rather than make a plan or remain in that fight or flight mode you’ve been in, try to see your life as an adventure waiting to be had. This will be an important theme for you, especially once the North Node moves into Pisces on Saturday, January 11. The North Node in Pisces will move through your house of abundance for the next two years, helping you enjoy life. Though it will bring opportunities differently than you had imagined, it will be essential in helping you create this new and exciting phase of your life.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Monday, January 6
Listen to your heart, Leo, and decide what you want your life to be. You are standing at the beginning of a new chapter of your life and can make it whatever you wish. But to do that, you must ensure you’re not hanging on to any outgrown ideals or dreams that no longer resonate.
Spend time with yourself on Monday, January 6, as the First Quarter Moon in Aries rises, beckoning you to step into empowerment and leadership. This is your chance to set your intention for the new year and to embrace an expansive life. You may find that travel figures heavily to what you feel called pursuing, but it may also be an inner journey of you finally being able to listen to your inner self.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Wednesday, January 8
Don’t waste time questioning when everything feels good, Virgo. You may have gotten used to feeling like you were in a state of struggle, or at the very least, constantly working to achieve all of your goals.
As so many intentions manifest, you must shift your focus to allow for peace as Mercury moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8. This comes down to being able to receive when situations in your life are good rather than waiting for that proverbial other shoe to drop or creating an issue out of nothing.
Work on receiving peace, believing you are worthy of all the good you’ve dreamed of. It is enough to be happy Virgo, especially as something doesn’t always need to be wrong. Just because you’ve gotten used to being a fixer doesn’t mean you need to continue to operate in that energy. Take a break, and appreciate the peace and feeling of fulfillment surrounding you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Monday, January 6
Everything is happening for your greatest good, Libra, but you need to keep that in mind as you head into the upcoming phase of your life. On Monday, January 6, Mars will shift back into Cancer as part of its retrograde journey, highlighting your house of career and making you rethink some of your personal decisions.
Mars rules over your actions and motivations, and retrograde in Cancer means that you need to reflect on whether you’ve been following your soul's path or merely trying to check off boxes on a checklist for success.
This period of reflection and redirection will allow you to make authentic decisions and receive greater emotional fulfillment from your career. Still, you can’t rush decisions during this time and simply have to observe where you feel you are being redirected.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Saturday, January 11
To know what iyou want, Scorpio, you first have to become aware of what no longer resonates with you. You’ve been on this journey since 2023, when Saturn first entered Pisces, lighting up your house of joy, creativity, and marriage.
But as the North Node moves into this water sign on Saturday, January 11, you will feel a call to no longer wait to receive what you most want. This will create a laser-like focus for the next two years, where you prioritize your joy and are open to making changes in your life.
You may also be able to find romantic fulfillment around this time, as the North Node in Pisces may also bring about a marriage in your life. But whether you are looking for love on this journey or not, this time in your life is finally about being happy, Scorpio.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Wednesday, January 8
Don’t lose sight of your inner worth, Sagittarius. Learning about your self-worth and what brings the greatest value to your life has been an important lesson that you’ve just wrapped up. As much as you have changed over the last several years, you want to ensure that you don’t get lax and slip back into any old patterns, or you may miss the opportunity of a lifetime.
Mercury will move into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, bringing in new opportunities to your life that will honor all you’ve learned you deserve. While this will increase your finances and bring in new love, it’s also about you finally feeling like you’re living the life you’ve always been meant to. Don’t hold back during this time or overlook a moment that could change your life.
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Best Day: Wednesday, January 8
You are still enjoying the radiance of your zodiac season, Capricorn, but don’t forget the purpose of this time as well.
During your zodiac season, you are encouraged to celebrate your solar return, which marks the Sun returning to where it was in the sky when you were born. You can make anything happen, but to do that, you must also ensure you embrace your most authentic self.
Once Mercury shifts into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, you will feel more confident in trusting yourself, advocating for your needs, and honoring where you’ve changed your mind or perspective. Growth is a positive aspect, Capricorn, especially as it allows you to embrace change with an open heart.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Saturday, January 11
What you invest your energy within, dear Aquarius, will grow. You have been on a journey where you’ve had to focus your energy on what you deserve, what brings value to your life, and the importance of material wealth to accomplish your dreams. This may have felt like being endlessly busy or critiquing each decision ensuring that it will benefit your future.
However, as the North Node moves into Pisces on Saturday, January 11, you will feel a welcomed relief as the universe begins working with you more intensely. The North Node in Pisces will help you embrace greater meaning and divine trust in the universe, which will play an immense role in your transformation over the next two years. This is your chance to believe in all your work, but also take a risk to make life better than your dreams.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Saturday, January 11
You already know precisely what it is that you want to achieve, Pisces. In your heart, you’ve been working diligently on creating the life of your dreams or launching a new project into the universe. But as the North Node moves into your sign of Pisces on Saturday, January 11, this is your time to become assertive in pursuing your aspirations.
The North Node rules your fate, and in Pisces, it will be a time for immense self-discovery, financial independence, and growth. But to achieve the benefits of this time, you can’t wait for something to happen; instead, you have to make it happen for yourself. You’ve been doing the hard work already Pisces, but now you must start showing up ready to take the lead and claim your divine purpose in this lifetime.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.