Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of December 30 - January 5, 2024
It’s never too late for second chances.

The Capricorn New Moon on Monday, December 30, helps to improve relationships for five zodiac signs. The week of December 30 gives you a second chance at mending your relationship and embracing the love that is meant for you.
The New Moon in Capricorn is the second New Moon in December, marking this lunation as a Black Moon — a rare or unique chance, and this week, you can use it to improve your relationship or romantic life. Pay close attention to your and your partner’s emotional needs, which will be highlighted during this phase. Instead of solely focusing on getting back together or progressing your relationship, invest your energy into feeling fulfilled by this connection.
This second chance at love receives a helping hand when Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Venus is the planet of love and Pisces is embracing its most romantic side. Venus in Pisces will help you focus on your relationship or romantic life while you begin to prioritize time together and gestures of love with greater importance. Piscean energy brings the unconditional love, hope, and faith essential for improving and deepening your romantic bond. The little moments matter most under this transit and the ones that could save your relationship.
Although the energy of the Capricorn New Moon and Venus in Pisces will help you have a romantic second chance at love, the energy of Vesta shifting into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2, will have the biggest impact on your relationship.
Vesta rules your inner fire, self and what motivates you to commit to a specific person. In Scorpio, Vesta represents a deep process of emotional healing that can help you resolve old arguments, repair a broken connection, and heal the parts of yourself that created challenges in your relationship. Use this energy by focusing on yourself, including your past wounds or heartbreak, before addressing anything in your relationship.
This will ensure you’re not just using the band-aid of romance to fix your relationship but that you are ready for a second and healthier chance at love.
Relationships improve for five zodiac Signs starting December 30 - January 5, 2024:
1. Cancer
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You are entering a brand-new phase of your romantic life with the Capricorn New Moon on Monday, December 30, dear Cancer. Capricorn energy governs over your house of relationships, and with Pluto finally exiting this earth sign in November 2024, you are ready for new beginnings. Capricorn energy teaches you not to sacrifice yourself or your needs to make a relationship work.
By establishing balance in your relationship, you create the space to be loved in all ways you care for your partner. You are worthy to receive what you give and what you want. But you must be the one to set the standard for that, which is what the New Moon in Capricorn will do. You may meet someone new around this time or consider dating; just be sure you are also continuing to prioritize yourself in any relationship.
In perfect divine order, you also will be given a chance to go deeper into your healing as Vesta moves into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2, highlighting your house of commitment and marriage. The relationship you would consider in your past wasn’t a mistake but was a connection you were attracted to to help you learn and heal.
As Vesta moves into Scorpio, you can reflect on this past relationship, both in how it began and ended. By giving yourself time to heal from what you experienced, you can also be sure that you are genuinely ready for the love you want.
2. Virgo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You are entering an incredible time for love, Virgo, which may bring wedding bells. You’ve had a serious relationship in your life for some time now, and through your patience, you will finally see it progress. You’ve known that you wanted this relationship to last or for this person to be the one that you would marry.
Your partner needed time to heal from their past relationship and to choose what should come next in their own time. You’ve had to practice immense patience during this phase, but it seems it’s about to pay off as the New Moon in Capricorn rises on Monday, December 30.
The Capricorn New Moon will occur in your house of marriage and may very well signify a proposal or a New Year’s Eve wedding. This is the same energy that you began the year with as there was a Capricorn New Moon on January 11, 2024 – the only difference is now they are finally ready.
It’s not just about the possibility of marriage that will benefit you in the coming days, but also Venus moving into Pisces on Thursday, January 2. This is great news, especially if you’re newly dating someone or looking to open up to love. Venus, the planet of love, in Pisces, highlights themes around relationships, bringing luck and abundance to your romantic life.
Make sure you embrace this energy and let yourself receive the love you’ve dreamed of, or perhaps just take the chance to attract it. You are entering a phase of increased romance, commitment and new possibilities of love so remember what is most important and continue to follow your heart.
3. Taurus
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
The stage is being set for an exciting new love, Taurus. This may be a new relationship, but it could also be a new phase of an existing one that is made up of greater meaning, adventure, and travel, which aligns with your recent growth. On Monday, December 30, the New Moon in Capricorn rises in your house of new beginnings, signifying that this will be the theme in your romantic life for the next lunar cycle.
A new moon in this part of your life is magical, and any intentions that you set will be amplified. Focus on attracting what you want versus what you are afraid of. If there is a possibility of travel or a long-distance romance, then this will also be your sign to book the trip and not waste time second-guessing yourself.
While surrounded by new beginnings, you will also benefit from Venus moving into Pisces and Vesta’s shift into Scorpio on Thursday, January 2. Vesta in Scorpio will help you heal from your past relationship or the challenges with your current partner. Because of this, you may very well get a second chance at love in the week ahead.
But, if you’re single, then the energy of Venus and Vesta may also signify that a new romance begins with someone you consider just a friend. Regardless of how this new beginning shows up for you, your romantic life is set to improve; you need to heal to seize the love the universe conspires to bring together.
4. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You can’t rush the healing process, dear Scorpio. There is no race you must finish or a result you aim for. Although it might feel that love or marriage is the final destination, you will still be healing when you are in that relationship. Engaging in self-healing is essential not just to attract a partner but also to keep your relationship flourishing.
On Thursday, January 2, Vesta will move into Scorpio, signifying that you must heal within yourself rather than involve another person or partner. This means that journaling around this time or activities centered around self-worth or wounds may be especially significant. When you can heal the parts of you that attracted karmic cycles or have you remain in unfulfilling relationships, then you are finally ready for your forever love.
While healing will be crucial in the days ahead, you will get a boost of romance to your life as Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday, January 2. Venus is the planet of love, and in Pisces, it activates themes surrounding commitment, marriage, happiness, and your forever love. Venus in Pisces helps you feel hopeful about your love life while bringing new opportunities.
Venus in Pisces is often thought to represent love on steroids, so it’s important to ensure you’re ready for romantic gestures or long conversations about life with your partner. You may feel love-bombed during this time, but that isn’t the case. Instead, it’s the feeling of finally being loved in the ways you’ve always dreamed; you need to get used to receiving it.
5. Libra
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
Make this new chapter all about you, sweet Libra. While you may still have a relationship, you’d be better off looking at this time as a chance to fall in love with yourself. By falling in love, you will also be able to work on your relationship with yourself, which will be essential in knowing how to improve your romantic life.
Just because you have a current relationship doesn’t mean that it’s one you’ve completely decided on or that’s meant to continue. But romantic matters have felt confusing lately as you’ve been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions; one moment, you’re set to break up, and the next, you don’t know how you could ever love anyone again.
This experience of ups and downs is a sign that this relationship is healthy or aligned with your soul. However, you must give yourself time to focus on yourself before making any decisions.
The New Moon in Capricorn on Monday, December 30, will highlight themes surrounding love and home. Consider taking space from your partner to focus on yourself. The desire for time and understanding will be amplified as Venus moves into Pisces on Thursday, January 2, increasing your need for self-care and to focus on your well-being.
While you love this person in your life, you also are done with being on this rollercoaster of emotions. You may not be fully ready to end this connection just yet, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t in the process of discovering what you truly want.
Focus on yourself during the coming days, take all the space you need, and remember sometimes, the only way to improve your relationship is to let yourself have a new beginning with someone new.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.