3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On January 11, 2025

There's something very special about Saturday as a 1-11 day.

Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On January 11, 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Nejron / Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs attract wealth on January 11, 2025. Numerologically, we're surrounded by the unique energy that comes with the power of number one, and astrologically, that power is supported by the transit of Moon square Neptune.

Three zodiac signs will feel that power, which will translate as wealth and the accruing of it. We may feel we are magnetic and magnetize the positive energy that brings wealth and abundance.


The wealth we accumulate now is not only related to money, however. This is a time of great health and we will also see that mental health is on the mend. Moon square Neptune gives us the condition of healing, going from dark to light. It's a beautiful day to heal and draw in more positive energy.

Three zodiac signs attract wealth on January 11, 2025:

1. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs attract wealth january 11, 2025 Photo: PublicDomainPictures | Design: YourTango


You've learned that everything matures in its own time and that it's worthwhile to be patient and to live in the knowledge that if you believe in something, it will, in turn, believe in you. You have the power of manifestation when it comes to wealth. You will be attracting that which you think about.

And what you have been thinking about for quite some time is how to do money right. This also implies that you haven't always had a handle on how to work your finances in beneficial ways. During Moon square Neptune, all of that changes. You have now become a money magnet.

This pleases you immensely, and while you know that money can't buy everything, it certainly does help and will help you over the next few months. What you've done has now come to fruition; you were smart, and you made the right moves, Sagittarius.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Natural Money Magnets, According To An Astrologer


2. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs attract wealth january 11, 2025 Photo: PublicDomainPictures | Design: YourTango

You might already be accustomed to attracting wealth in the form of money and security, but the wealth you'll be attracting during Moon square Neptune is the kind that brings you an open mind when it comes to your health.

Whoa, that came out of nowhere, what's that all about? Well, because you are already very familiar with how the Law of Attraction works, you'll see that security and stability are very much in place for you; what you need, however, is a new health regimen. And on January 11, you begin to uncover the new you.


So the wealth you make manifest during this time is the wealth of knowing that you can do what you want to do when it comes to physical and mental health. You're able to attract more and more positive energy, simply by agreeing to let it into your life. Nice going, Aquarius.

RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign's Money Personality Can Determine If You're A Saver Or Spender

3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs attract wealth january 11, 2025 Photo: PublicDomainPictures | Design: YourTango


There's a very good reason as to why you seem to attract money and wealth and that is because you've been saving for a long, long time. Perhaps you haven't been keeping an eye on just how much has accrued over this time, but Pisces ... look at what you have: you are doing very well.

And so, what was always there, growing in interest and gaining in numbers, now looks like a whole lot of accumulated wealth to you. During the transit of Moon square Neptune, you'll be inspired by the efforts you put in, even if it was easy-peasy stuff.

Now, you feel like a rich person. You feel as though you did the right thing by yourself, and you most certainly did. This gives you a new lease on life and makes you feel happier, healthier, and more secure in the way you make decisions. This is a major success, Pisces, and good for you, as you are the one who made it happen.


RELATED: Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Rich, Ranked


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
