4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On January 5, 2025

Pay attention — the signs are everywhere!

woman with zodiac signs from universe january 5, 2025 Photo: Sami Jms | Design: YourTango

Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on January 5, 2025. If you are keen enough, you'll pick up on the signs that the universe is sending us, and for Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius, that kind of perception is available in a big way during the astrological power transit known as the Aries Moon.

A simple Moon? We think not! It's an Aries Moon, which means we're not only picking up on the signs of the universe but also acting on them. This is a very active day, in fact, and these four zodiac signs find that whatever we do during the Aries Moon, we do it with belief, confidence, and with the promise of success.


Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on January 5, 2025:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs receive signs universe january 5, 2025 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Ok, it's time to roll. You're on the move, Aries, and so much of your backup has to do with the fact that during the Aries Moon, you are on fire. You feel strong, directed, and willing to do whatever is necessary to propel you forward.


You've got the signs from the universe, and they are all telling you that you've got the green light now, Aries. January 5 puts it all into perspective for you, and what that vision shows you is that what you want is what you get.

And you are someone who can handle whatever it is that you get, which is also something you are ready, willing, and able to share with others. The signs of the universe are showing you on this big, beautiful day are that you're not alone, you are well-loved, and the success you have in mind ... it's in the bag, Aries.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs receive signs universe january 5, 2025 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


This day is not for the weak of the heart, which doesn't imply that anything negative will happen but does imply that you have to be you to handle the greatness of it all. The signs are all there; through the Aries Moon, the universe is trying to tell you something, Leo, and that message is that you're a winner.

Whatever you do, if you keep a good attitude about everything, you'll find that everything good gravitates your way. You are like a magnet for positive energy during the Aries Moon, and because this is a warrior transit, you'll easily take up the cause.

On January 5, is that not only are your dreams starting to take shape as realities, but you are inspired to dream new and bigger dreams. You believe in yourself that much, and one thing leads to another ... all good.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs receive signs universe january 5, 2025 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

January may be off to a slow start, that is, until the Aries Moon sort of breaks down the doors and makes it all very, very clear for you. What you see before you is chance and opportunity, and the signs are clear: something good is coming.

And you are very much into it, Scorpio. You see this as the right day for things to flip over, and the Aries Moon is just the lunar transit you need to get things feeling activated once again. It's OK, just the beginning, and you feel good about all that lies ahead.


You've got big plans for this year, Scorpio, and while you mostly keep those things to yourself, on January 5, you invite people into that mind of yours to share ideas. You and a bunch of friends will share laughs during the Aries Moon, and the general mood will be one of hopeful positivity.

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4. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs receive signs universe january 5, 2025 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


You have decided that whatever stress you've been going through lately has an end date: January 5. You're finally at that place where you don't see enough evidence to feel as stressed out as you've been, so this revelation clears your path, Sagittarius.

What all of this means is that during the Aries Moon, on January 5, you'll regain control of your mind again and start to steer it towards total success. Sure, you've got a few anxious little thoughts that nag you, but you are also completely aware of the idea that, in the end, everything works out alright.

And so, backed by the Aries Moon, you once again become the brave warrior you know yourself to be and handle it. You've got something immense to look forward to, and it's coming very soon, so today, you switch to a positive attitude. And it works!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
