5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attract Luck & Success The Week Of December 16 - 22, 2024

Fortune favors those who work for what they want.

Chinese zodiac signs luck success week December 16 22 Design: YourTango | Photo: CoffeeAndMilk from Getty Images Signature, Canva Pro

Luck will favor five Chinese zodiac signs that attract success the week of December 16 - 22, 2024. They are Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, Dragon, and Monkey. This week, the I Ching hexagram of luck is Wind over Mountain (#53), changing to Water over Wind (#48). It reveals the potent nature of luck when one seizes it the right way. 

At first, your luck may seem like a small blessing for a tired day, bringing you smiles and joy. But if you engage with this luck correctly, you can discover all the other luck connected to it.

For some, this hopping energy can lead you to greater and greater luck as time passes. So don't underestimate the power of actions and the pitfalls of procrastination and fears.

If you feel called to, you can bring luck by working on your life and yourself, one day at a time. It will open your spirit to the world's joys and help you find the desired luck. 

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Five Chinese zodiac signs attract luck and success week of December 16 - 22, 2024:

1. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs luckiest week december 16-22, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Rabbit, your luck this week has a child-like energy to it. If you happen to be less than twenty years of age, luck will come to you from every direction and every area of life. So live the way you do and be receptive to this luck. 

Those of you who are older will find this luck when you bring out your inner child or engage with child-like energy, whether through watching movies and TV shows that are more PG-13 (or lower), reading YA books, or just chatting with the children in your family about school and their interests. The colors blue and white will be lucky for you this week.


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2. Tiger

tiger chinese zodiac signs luckiest week december 16-22, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Tiger, your ability to attract success this week is heavily entwined with your creativity. So lean hard into this area, and your luck will continue to shine. You grow lucky when engaging with people with a unique perspective of the world in the field you are a part of. 


For example, if you are an artist, look at the artwork of other artists whose medium is very different from yours or who use light and colors in vastly different ways. Some of you may even find your luck while traveling and trying to expand beyond what you know. The color white will be lucky for you this week, especially white roses.

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3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest week december 16-22, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Horse, your luck this week is related to food and gastronomic adventures. So, make this period all about the pleasures of eating delicious things and learning about the world through that experience and that lens. 

That's how your luck will flow to you. Some of you may even be inspired indirectly by these experiences and find unique ideas from a source you never believed would ever give you something of that nature. Your luck this week is also this. White, blue, and red will be lucky for you now.

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4. Dragon

dragon chinese zodiac signs luckiest week december 16-22, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Dragon, your luck this week encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace life for everything it has got! You will find something intriguing waiting for you around every corner. Plus, we are in the Year of the Dragon right now, so you must make the most of this time before we reach the Year of the Snake.

If you feel called to, now's also a good time to make new friends and expand your social network by participating in activities and signing up for events where you can meet like-minded people. The color red will be lucky for you this week.

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5. Monkey

monkey chinese zodiac signs luckiest week december 16-22, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Monkey, your luck this week is deeply entwined with money. It will bring you gold, both metaphorically and literally. For some, this will come to you through your career. However, for others, this can also flow from your association with your family or social network. 

Social media may also help you generate cash, especially if you get accepted into a partner program or something similar. Blue, green, and yellow will be lucky for you this week. Yellow flowers will also boost your luck at this time.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
