3 Zodiac Signs Whose Manifestations Come True On December 26, 2024
The real wealth is in optimum health and well being.
What may not have come through for us only yesterday seems to have been slated for Thursday, December 26, when manifestations come true for three zodiac signs.
One of the ways we get to see our dreams manifest as reality is through healthy habits and the knowledge that we have been doing the right thing for some time now. And on Thursday, we see the hard work start to really pay off.
So, while it's nice to think of 'dreams come true' as stuff like, receiving millions of dollars, what three zodiac signs will come to know personally is that the real wealth is in optimum health and well-being. Now that's a dream come true.
Three zodiac signs whose manifestations come true on December 26, 2024:
1. Taurus
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While everyone is in shutdown mode for the holiday season, you're at the gym or prepping healthy meals for the rest of the week...and next. Moon trine Saturn's energy on December 26 influences how you feel about your body and health; you want only the best.
You see Saturn's energy as a challenge. You have an idea of what you want to do with your physical appearance. You want to shape up and get fit, and this is a dream you know will come true.
You're not waiting around for the first day of the year to make a resolution. In fact, you're on top of it right now, Taurus. But then again, you've always been that way. You see it in your mind and you make it a reality in the flesh. You have the powers of manifestation on your side, and you always have.
2. Virgo
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Finding it hard to commit to a healthy lifestyle is something you know all too well, and yet, you are also intelligent enough to stop repeating bad habits. During Moon trine Saturn, you can recognize and point out those patterns and rectify them, as you will on December 26.
You're just as susceptible to temptation as anyone else, Virgo, but there's something else going on here. Yu don't want to be like anyone else. You want to succeed in creating a healthy life. There's no time like the present to make that happen!
It takes a transit like Moon trine Saturn to put it all into perspective for you, Virgo, and with Saturn energy working in your favor, you can free yourself from your own limitations. That means your dream of getting fit, becoming healthy, and staying on the path of well-being is all very possible.
3. Capricorn
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For a dream to come true for you, Capricorn, it means that certain aspects of your life have finally come into view in such a way that pleases you greatly. During the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you'll see that a certain dream of yours has already come true, yet it's on this day that you truly take notice.
You are very open to the ways of Moon trine Saturn, and you'll find that during this transit, it's quite easy for you to see all that surrounds you as positive, even hopeful. The idea that there is peace in your household and you feel great pleases you immensely.
The days of excess are over for you, Capricorn and for that, you are grateful. Sure, it's nice to go overboard and party your heart out, but that doesn't seem to gel with the vision you have of yourself as a person who opts for health and personal growth. Your dream of peace is now at hand.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.