Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On November 20 — The Moon Aligns With The North Node

The Moon and the North Node support peace and harmony in love.

Love Horoscope On November 20 Helps To Improve Each Zodiac Sign's Relationship Syda Productions | Canva Pro

Each zodiac sign's November 20, 2024 love horoscope is here with an astrology forecast for Wednesday. Let's see what the stars reveal for you. 

To achieve balance or harmony in your romantic life, you also have to seek it. When you can be at peace with yourself and understand your emotions and needs, you become a beacon for what you hope to attract. Nothing happens accidentally, especially in a healthy, dynamic, romantic relationship. The clearer and more at peace you can become with yourself, the more likely you will be to create it in your life.


When the Leo Moon aligns with the North Node, the ruler of your fate, it creates an opportunity to gain deeper emotional understanding, which can increase balance, peace and joy in your romantic life. In Leo, the Moon is bold, allowing you to have the confidence to understand your emotions and also take action on what you need.

On Wednesday, you can use your emotional understanding to manifest the relationship you have always desired. This awareness will also heighten the need for a greater purpose in your connection as you will be craving a more meaningful love, but also one that feels good. Based on Wednesday's astrology forecast for love and relationships, here's what to expect.


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Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, November 20, 2024:


aries weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Although you may not be particularly aware of it now, the path of change you’re on, dear Aries, will affect more than just your romantic life. Everything is tied together, which means it’s not just your healing that affects your romantic life but also those you surround yourself with daily. 

It seems that a particular relationship will be responsible for introducing you to a new way of life, but inviting new connections into your life will also help you attract a love that is more aligned with your growth. Be aware of everything, but don’t let anything hold you back.

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taurus weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You have to become more conscious of the space that you create in your life for love, Taurus. While romance and a relationship have always been important to you, they may be tested during this new era as you crave greater success and independence. 

This doesn’t mean that it will serve as a challenge to your relationship or even cause a breakup, but you do need to be aware of your decisions and make sure that you really are creating space for all that you want in your life – which of course, includes love as well.

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gemini weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Greater authenticity will be yours in this new phase, Gemini. While this process of growth can be slower, you can help by being willing to challenge your beliefs and even understanding of life, relationships, and love. 

You may be drawn to a more unconventional relationship or need more time to embrace all that arises. Being willing to talk about your feelings with your partner, or even with a new love, can help you use this energy to be more authentic yourself and have a more conscious relationship.

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cancer weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be mindful of power struggles, Cancer, especially regarding what changes you surrender to versus those you fight against. While this phase will help you become more independent and even know yourself more deeply, you need to be mindful of fighting against yourself during this time. 

The best idea is to approach this phase with observation and the willingness to learn and grow. Ultimately, you will attract or progress a deep soul connection with someone special, but you need to ensure you’re not fighting against the transformation process.

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leo weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are entering a profound period of transformation in your romantic life, dear Leo. At this point, nothing is known or guaranteed; instead of seeing change as a reason to be fearful, approach it as an opportunity to have a relationship that aligns with your authentic truth. This decision may favor a new arrangement in an existing relationship or even a more untraditional romantic connection. 

All of the work that you’ve done to listen to yourself over the last few years will help you honor what feels good to your soul versus what looks good to society. Welcome to this phase as an opportunity to truly transform your relationship in all the ways you’ve ever desired.

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virgo weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Any challenge only arrives to help you become better, Virgo. You will be guided to become more self-sufficient and independent during this new era. While this likely will involve changes to your romantic life, it doesn’t necessarily bring a break-up, but instead, the ability to make sure you give equal weight to your dreams. 

You may need to change your approach to love or even themes of partnerships, adopting a more accepting and open mindset. By doing so, your relationship will more closely align with your values and growth.

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libra weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are entering a profound period of romantic transformation, dear Libra, but you must trust that you are ready for this. While you may still have to move through some aspects of childhood healing, this is different in the last phase as you will focus more on creating what you want from a place of empowerment. 

If you are single, your relationship or even romantic life will go through a drastic phase of change that will allow you to cultivate greater joy and connection. This may also bring about a significant commitment or even marriage, as long as it is a relationship that reflects your healing and not your wounding.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

As you begin a new era in your life, it is essential that you work on taking better responsibility for your feelings, Scorpio. The energy of Pluto in Aquarius will highlight your home, healing, domestic relationships, and even romantic connections. However, there may be a tendency to self-protect, shut down, or guard yourself against change because of internal fears. 

It doesn’t have to be all bad news, especially if you can find healthy ways to express your feelings and allow yourself to become more empowered in making the changes you seek. You can’t blame everyone else for what happens in your life or relationship, at a certain point it’s up to you to take responsibility for the patterns you’re seeing.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Free your mind, Sagittarius, so you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of. During this period of your life, communication and your inner dialogue will become more important. Instead of just keeping it all inside, try to be proactive and start journalling or even find a counselor that you can begin to work with. 

This does hold the potential to offer some incredible opportunities for transformation to manifest a new, healthier relationship, but first, you must address your truth, especially during the next year or so when this energy will be at it’s strongest. There is no reason to fear growth, especially when it can bring you closer to the love you’ve always dreamed of.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Try to lean into the stories that have prevented you from knowing your true worth, Capricorn. While this new period of your life will help you take a revolutionary look at your self-worth, it’s also going to help bring clarity to your values. You may work less and spend more time with your partner or family. 

While this is precisely what you should do, you must move through any guilt or other feelings regarding the choices to prioritize your life. This is a beneficial time that can bring major shifts to your life and more success, but you must get clear on what matters most to achieve that.

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aquarius weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let go of the old way of life, Aquarius, especially as this is the era where you will fully bloom into your full self. Do not fear this energy, especially as it will allow you to release and let go of previous beliefs and methods to make more space for the new you. 

You’ve already done a great deal of personal work, so this time should go more smoothly, but you may need to confront some shadow beliefs about love to feel like you’re truly moving ahead. Remember, you are always in charge of how you handle a trigger, and growth is what allows you to choose differently.

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pisces weekly love horoscope march 3-9, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

No matter how much truth you feel you continually embrace, Pisces, it doesn’t mean a new level exists to reach. As much as you’ve worked hard to prepare for or even progress a romantic relationship, something seems to be holding you back. 

During this time, you will be guided to confront and transform your greatest fears to develop a stronger connection with spirit and intuition. 

This will only help benefit your romantic relationship as you will no longer be holding back out of fear – which means that you will also be experiencing a plethora of love.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
