3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Life Purpose On December 14

These astrological signs find renewed motivation.

zodiac signs discover life purpose December 14 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: Andrew Poplavsky, Canva Pro

One of the first things we will ask ourselves on December 14, 2024 is how are we to be happy if everywhere we look, we are being instructed to be angry, sad, and irate. That's not going to inspire anyone to discover their true purpose. During this day's horoscope and astrological transit, Moon conjunct Jupiter, the tides are officially turning for three zodiac signs.

We crave to know the meaning and purpose of our lives, or at least how to be happy with what we have. We are tired of being told that everything is terrible. Sheesh, it's certainly not all terrible, and if we're to find our purpose for being here, we need to avoid the things that make us feel bad.


That's why the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, which shows three zodiac signs: if we are content with what we have and know that our purpose is to be happy, we must be proactive in saying "No" to what interferes with our mission. It's time to concentrate on inner health and well-being. It's time to regain our confidence and self-reliance.

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Three zodiac signs discover their true life purpose on December 14, 2024:

1. Leo

leo zodiac signs discover true purpose december 14, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

You have such a strong personality, so you tend to get involved with things that draw you in so deeply that you can't get out of them too easily. Like ... social engagement. You are starting to see that maybe you spend a little too much time arguing with total strangers just for the chance to be right.

During Moon conjunct Jupiter, the question will arise, and it's been asked of all of us at one time or another, and that question is: Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy? What you feel at this point in your life is that you have a different purpose, and that has nothing to do with being right.


You want to be happy, and that is your purpose. Moon conjunct Jupiter reminds you that happiness is a much better state of mind to live in and that you find the whole engage-outrage social experiment to rob you of your joy. No more of that, Leo!

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs discover true purpose december 14, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


Your true purpose is to help bring the balance. All around you, you see rage and mania; you know you can't magically make it all go away, but you can set the example of goodness, and you will do just that very easily.

Moon conjunct Jupiter inspires you, and this cosmic force clears up any notion of what your purpose might be. While your sign is one of the warriors, that doesn't mean you wish to do battle night and day.

And so, you begin to develop yourself as a warrior of love and peace. When they go low, you go high; when they hate, you show love. This is your attempt at restoring the balance. To quote the original movie, The Crow — "It can't rain all the time." You are there to provide a psychic umbrella.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs discover true purpose december 14, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

You never really thought of life in terms of true purpose, but you've always wanted to be a good person and try your best not to hurt others. You are caring and kind, and even if you do things in ways that people sometimes don't understand, your basic goal is to be at peace and live your life with love in your heart.

You'll see that sometimes the best things are free and easy. What you feel is your purpose at this time is to appreciate the little things, as these are the bits of magic that make your life special.


So, it's not about gigantic dreams or lofty aspirations for you, Aquarius; it's about living in the now and appreciating what you have. You aren't focused on what you don't have and have no interest in acquiring things for the future. You get the space you need to find your peaceful purpose in the moment, and that's all you want.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
