3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Powerful New Era Starting On December 11, 2024

Moon square Pluto helps us discover our true purpose.

zodiac signs powerful new era December 11 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels, Canva

Three zodiac signs enter a powerful new era of their lives starting on December 11, 2024. For many of us, many of us have felt like we haven't found our purpose, but during the astrological transit of Moon square Pluto on Wednesday, we figure out what our true calling is on a personal level. 

And it's not like we haven't gone over this before; in fact, we feel like we've spent many, many years trying to figure out where our talents are leading us if, indeed, they are leading us anywhere. What's interesting about how Moon square Pluto works is the surprising results.


It's on December 11 that we discover our purpose, and it sets us up for all the abundance and opportunity we have been hoping for. A new era has arrived. We are fulfilled and understand our true meaning. Whether it's a career upgrade, a relationship defining moment, or overall life improvement, it couldn't have come at a better time. 

Three zodiac enter a powerful new era starting on December 11, 2024:

1. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs powerful new era december 11, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


You can now see how all the pieces fit into place. Dreams and visions you had years ago are starting to become realities for you now, Sagittarius, and during the transit of Moon square Pluto, on December 11, you'll recognize how all of this leads to a powerful new era .

You've always been a deep thinker, and transits like Moon square Pluto enhance your ability to figure out the truth of your life. While that sounds lofty, well, the truth is that you're a lofty thinker, always dreaming bit and always directed.

While you might not be able to label your meaningful purpose in life in simple terms, what Moon square Pluto allows you to see is how all of it leads to this point. So, everything — the good and the bad — is part of this life purpose, and where you are right now, well, that's the sum of it all. It was all worth it. You are here now and it is only up from here on out. 

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2. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs powerful new era december 11, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Lately you have felt as if everyone has knows what they are here for, but haven't figured out your purpose.That's OK, Aquarius. It's all changing now. You will figure out exactly where you belong and what you want out of this life ... and it's all good.

During the transit Moon square Pluto, you feel very directed toward something you've always loved. What might have been a carefree hobby of yours may develop into a full-time obsession in all the right ways.


You can concentrate on something while feeling thoroughly absorbed, to the point where you start to recognize that you were cut out for this. This pleases you immensely and shows you that having a true purpose is a creative act. This is a good day for you, Aquarius, as it ushers you into a whole new era — one where hardships seem like a thing of the past. 

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs powerful new era december 11, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


It will be during Moon square Pluto that you feel so good about something you've done that you'll want to do more and more of it. You happen to be very good at this one thing, and you've also started to believe that this is your true life purpose.

And why not!? Why shouldn't you continue being the best you can be in the area that grabs your attention? It sounds like a plan, Pisces, and the universe supports you and your efforts as you enter a new powerful era of abundance.

By nature, you are a smart and creative person, Pisces, and it takes a transit like Moon square Pluto to open your eyes to your potential. December 11 is the day you figure out that what you're doing with your life, and from here on out, it's exactly what you should be doing.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
