Dreams Come True For 3 Zodiac Signs On December 4, 2024

Oh universe, you sure are an ironic one, aren't you?

dreams come true zodiac signs December 4 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: Fábio Fabinh Pexels, Canva Pro

Nobody gets to sit in the shadows on Wednesday, as our astrological weather predicts many good things taking place, and some of those things come to us out of nowhere. Three zodiac signs use the tense energy of Sun square Saturn on December 4, 2024, to dig into the discipline required to make their dreams come true.

This is the season for miracles and happy undertakings, and while this day isn't slated for celebration, for three zodiac signs it might as well be. On Wednesday, we get to see that the moment we give it up, we get it all. Oh universe, you sure are an ironic one, aren't you?


We aren't as attached to a dream as we once were, and while we're not opposed to it coming true, it's not as dire and earth-shattering to us anymore. This detachment shows the universe that we're not as hungry for results as we once were, and this translates as the perfect time to make those dreams come true. Ah, the irony.

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Three zodiac signs see their dreams come true on December 4, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs dreams come true december 4, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

The one thing you never thought would happen is exactly what happens on December 4, 2024 — and it all has to do with your perception. While you might be shocked at how you feel today, you are still in control, Taurus, so no need to be apprehensive.

You let go of someone in your mind. You have come to a place where you don't feel the need to have them in your life anymore, not to mention the adoration you feel for your independence.


During Sun square Saturn, you have an opportunity to speak with that person and see them from an entirely new perspective, and the irony of it all is that you love the new version of them. It's almost like a dream come true; you wanted to find peace with this person, and now, here it is.

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2. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs dreams come true december 4, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You're in line for a dream to come true. You feel healthy enough to accomplish something you've wanted to achieve for ages, and it's more than something physical. During Sun square Saturn, you challenge yourself. And being such a goal-oriented person, you have no intention of failing. 

This transit is packed with positive, stimulating, and inspiring energy. You want to meet this goal, as it is a personal best. If you are to get to the place you've had in mind, you note this as a serious dream come true. You're the power behind the engine here, Capricorn, and if you want it done, it gets done. You find universal support heading your way in the form of Sun square Saturn. Done and done.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs dreams come true december 4, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Something very interesting is taking place in your life right now, Pisces. During Sun square Saturn, you see some big changes take place. On December 4, you don't feel as attached to the outcome as you once did. It's not that you've given it up, it's just that you've spent too much energy waiting for it to happen.

The fun part is that as soon as you let it go — even just a little bit — the universe recognizes this and allows a little more space for it. You got yourself so entangled in wanting something that you left no space for anything else. But by widening your berth, you find that everything becomes easier.

That's how Sun square Saturn works in your life, Pisces. You manifest a dream come true simply by standing back and letting it happen, rather than forcing it into existence. This is a major lesson for you; give it up, get it all. It works. Detachment allows for the natural flow of things in a very positive way.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
