3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On December 1
We are serious about letting go of the heartache that has ruled over us for far too long.
We are here to overcome the past and heal from heartache. The astrology for December 1 shows us that New Moon energy, coming from none other than Sagittarius itself, is here to pave the way for three zodiac signs. Three will overcome the past and heal from heartache. We are headed towards success. We will not be held back.
Three zodiac signs are on the list for those who take the power back on this day, and what that means for us is that we're tired of sitting back and letting our lives get thrashed around. What we realize is that this really is a choice; we are the ones who have the power to say yes or no to strife. Today, we say a very loud: No.
We are tired of being too scared to move forward, and we need to heal, very very badly. How beautiful is it that we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on this first day of the month? It's perfect, in fact, and we will see that three zodiac signs are serious about letting go of the past and healing from the heartache that has ruled over us for far too long.
Three zodiac signs overcome the past and heal from heartache on December 1, 2024:
1. Scorpio
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You've always known that you can only sit on the fence for just so long before you are required to make a move, and on December 1, you pick up on a big hint: your life is moving along briskly — don't sit on the fence any longer. Make your move and make it now.
During the New Moon in Sagittarius, you'll see that all you have before you is potential and that this is a very positive if you make it that way, Scorpio. You know now that you cannot celebrate the heartache you've been holding on to. You realize that if there is ever a day to let go of the past, it's this one.
And because the New Moon in Sagittarius is all about potential and positivity, you choose to go with it, as you should. Hey, it's the end of the year, and you planned on walking into the new year with a fresh new attitude and the strength to kiss the past goodbye. It gets done on December 1, Scorpio. Time to move on.
2. Sagittarius
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You've been battling a certain demon in your life for a while now, and by demon, we mean a particular problem of yours that keeps taking up too much space in your mind. You are no longer attached to this concept but continue to nurture it out of habit.
That is why the New Moon in Sagittarius is precisely the hero you need right now, and you will get to experience what it's like to say a bold and fierce no to the attachments that keep you bound to the past and the heartache that comes with it.
Quite frankly, you are just tired of it, and you want a refresher course, and that course begins with you making a clear decision to get away from your present attitude of resignation. You are not resigned to anything but your happiness, and during the New Moon in Sagittarius, you find it easy, possible, and promising.
3. Pisces
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You can only hold on to that heartache for just so long before it starts to eat you alive, Pisces, and while that sounds dramatic, the reality is that the past takes up way too much time in your present world, and only now are you starting to realize that you can do something about it.
It is during the New Moon in Sagittarius that it occurs to you that you do have a choice in the matter and that your fate needs your input; you're not a victim of circumstance. You're a person of great intelligence, and you now know you can change.
And so, you make that move during the New Moon in Sagittarius and Pisces; it's the best thing you can do for yourself. You might be intimidated at first, but that will pass, and as soon as you feel the healing vibe that comes over you, you'll be able to plow through the future, free from the past and all it took from you.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.