3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Obstacles & Enter A Peaceful Era By November 17, 2024
Saturn turns direct, ushering in a more peaceful era for three zodiac signs.

The week of November 11 - 17, 2024 presents a f ew helpful transits that assist three zodiac signs in overcoming specific obstacles that allow them to enter a more peaceful era.
Venus enters Capricorn at the start of the week, where it remains until December 7, 2024. Capricorn is a far more conservative sign than Sagittarius and is more focused on long-term commitments and moving slowly and cautiously. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, work, and responsibility, so Venus in Capricorn gives love and social activities a more traditional, enduring and committed flavor. The focus will shift from fun and good times (Sagittarius) to the more practical side of love.
On November 12, Mercury squares Saturn. This aspect can be tiring and draining and there is nothing ‘light’ about it — but thankfully it passes quickly.
On November 15 we experience a powerful Full Moon in Taurus and it is conjunct Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. This will have a different effect for almost everybody. This could be a changeable day filled with unexpected events, or it could be a day filled with excitement, new ideas and activity depending on what it is doing in your personal chart. Look for the Full Moon energy to become powerful at least three days before its peak.
Saturn, which has been retrograde since late June, also turns direct on this day, so now many things will start to pick up. Make use of this energy because it won’t last long with the upcoming retrogrades of Mercury and Mars.
This will be followed by the Sun’s opposition to Uranus on November 16. Uranus brings unexpected change, indicating a very changeable day. Do not set your plans in stone since they will likely change and use caution, especially when you are driving.
Three zodiac signs overcome obstacles and enter a more peaceful era by November 17, 2024.
1. Scorpio
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Your focus this week Scorpio, is partners. This can involve marriage or romantic partners, work associates, or people who are in your life on a day to day basis and familiar with your personal life. This person may make an unexpected move or action that occurs in some way as a result of something involving money or finances — this is really only the tip of the iceberg. With the astrological focus on Uranus this week, often associated with a desire for freedom, something needs to give.
You are moody by nature and sometimes secretive, which can make it hard for others to decode your thoughts. Therefore, the first step is to be open and honest so you can get to the bottom of the real problem.
Rely on your many attractive qualities to get you through the week, such as your stability, loyalty, charm, and affection — these are your superpowers. It’s time to show real interest in others' point of view and what they are trying to tell you. If they are reserved, it’s up to you to draw them out. If they need space, give it to them, as well as plenty of assurance about your feelings.
With your keen powers of perception and ability to dig deeply into the psyche, you have the power to save any relationship worth saving.
2. Taurus
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This week, above all, you need to get more in touch with yourself. You could experience some type of unexpected event or it could be that your mind is all over the place this week, especially when it comes to your finances — there could be some negative news or concern the crops up.
You like the finer things and spending, but you also like value for your money so it is unlikely you just go on a spending spree. You will get past any unexpected bill that comes up, but this may also kick off a great deal of thinking about your own personal values along with how you truly value yourself. Negative self-talk about past experiences won’t be helpful and can lower your self-confidence and outlook.
This is a powerful time to get in touch with your feelings, belief systems, and how and what you really believe. You may suffer from self-doubt, so it is time for some inner contemplation and healing work to lift yourself up.
The November 15 Full Moon is a reset for you. Its conjunction to Uranus helps you release self-doubt and negativity. Uranus is about personal freedom from whatever you find oppressive, even negative feelings about yourself. Use this powerful Moon to move beyond your self-esteem issues and self-doubt. It is time to set yourself free!
3. Leo
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Leo, you have been in a sort of rough period for several weeks now. It looks like issues may be clearing up with a partner, which could include those in your life on a day-to-day basis, including co-workers. This week, twists and turns occur in work and career.
It could be that you walk in and some type of change is announced, someone you have worked with has moved on, or your job description has changed up in some way. This calls for a fast adjustment to what is occurring, and change can be jolting for fixed signs like yourself.
It is very likely that you will feel pressure from someone attempting to get you to do something their way. You don’t necessarily have to cave to this person, but if this is a boss or supervisor, you will have to tread very carefully. This week requires you to roll with the tides which may not be easy — but anything that results this week is a blessing in disguise.
You can counter-balance this by seeking positive reinforcement from friends and those you can depend on. They may be your best source of help or comfort at this time. Open communication with those in charge is important especially if you don’t like the change that has occurred.
Most importantly, tap into your leadership qualities, which are your superpowers along with your natural confidence and charm. Power through these days, take a wider view, and move away from any feelings of things being personal. If you can do this (and you surely can!) you will charge forward once again — and of course, sooner or later, you always end up in the spotlight.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.