What Sagittarius Needs To Know About 2025, According To A Tarot Reader
The 2025 tarot horoscope reveals a year of victory for Sagittarius.

Sagittarius, your 2025 tarot card is the Queen of Wands, revealing a year of significant financial gains and a successful business project. Your inner beauty and strength will guide your decision-making and help you form a supportive team that helps you accomplish your vision.
What the 2025 tarot horoscope predicts for Sagittarius all year
This year is about self-care and cultivating a life of love and self-acceptance while fortifying powerful professional connections.
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Each month of the year will teach you something about yourself that you need to know. The first six months are dedicated to spiritual development, self-exploration, and gratitude. You'll appreciate alone time to reflect and think about the future more than social pursuits. In April, you'll experience a desire to make personal changes, leading to financial freedom and improved social status by December.
January 2025: The Hermit
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
January is about self-love, connecting with your spiritual side, and exploring your inner wisdom. Use this time to reconnect with a spiritual practice. If you don't have one, think about what could work for you so that you can hear your inner voice more clearly.
Do you need to wake up early and spend time in nature? Would it help you to participate in some religious organization and attend a class? Spend time reading books on spirituality. Learn how to use a dream journal. Ponder spiritual quotes and be observant when you pray to note how the universe shows up in your life afterward.
February 2025: Nine of Cups
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
February is about self-care, enjoying what you have, and practicing gratitude. You are naturally very thankful, so practicing gratitude will be easy. However, this month is more than feeling happy for what you have. The Nine of Cups encourages you to place contentment at the forefront of your mind.
Celebrate small wins as much as you would larger ones. Embrace the energetic vibration of goodness in your life and observe how feeling thankful gives you peace of mind. Take life slowly, and don't push yourself beyond what makes sense for this month.
March 2025: Seven of Pentacles, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
March is about learning where to invest your time and energy. Learn when to pull back and when to take a loss and move in a different direction. The first two months of the year help clarify your values, so when valuing your time, do so with love.
You may learn the art of saying no to people whom you'd ordinarily go out of your way for. You may start to protect yourself by limiting how much access you allow others to have to you and your plans. Use this month to show others how special they are in your life.
April 2025: Page of Cups, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
April is about creating the life that you want to live. It's time to focus on a new task and turn it into a reality. You're ready to do something new that makes you happy.
You may experience a sense of emptiness or a feeling of emotional dissatisfaction. This yearning for something more is a call to action. Use the stirring of desire for greater life purpose as a springboard to a vibrant, ambitious pursuit that will require the rest of the year to complete.
May 2025: Page of Swords, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
May is about overcoming obstacles and learning to trust your inner guide. As you set the foundation for fulfilling whatever goal you set for yourself in April, you will discover the roadblocks that could prevent you from succeeding.
You should ask for advice to help you overcome these obstacles; however, you need to be careful not to ask the wrong people for their opinions. This month, avoid less experienced advisors. Seek individuals who have many years of expertise in the area specific to your goal. If you let other people influence your choices, you will experience setbacks with the potential of demotivating you entirely.
June 2025: Judgement, reversed
Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango
June is about self-exploration and learning to be comfortable with where you are in life. "Grow where you're planted" is a good phrase to write down and memorize this month.
If you made progress in your goals by now, you still may feel like life is not going as planned. This is the time to tweak your schedule and timeline. Look for additional resources and aid to help move things along more smoothly. Create a team of advisors who can give you guidance and positive feedback promptly. Above all else, be patient and realistic about how long things can take to complete. A big vision will not manifest overnight.
July 2025: Queen of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
July is about self-sufficiency meeting teamwork. You will want to continuously be on the lookout for people who emotionally and mentally support your dreams and ask for advice from experts who see your vision and can guide you.
However, this month is a little more hands-on for you. You have an opportunity to find a key individual who will be your mentor and spiritual guide. This person will exhibit the perfect balance of nurture and ambitious energy. Most likely a female, this mentor will have social status, powerful insight, and good mentorship skills. Don't dismiss a potential spiritual guide, like an astrologer or someone who is in the healing arts.
August 2025: Queen of Cups, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
August is about personal growth and development. You're in the thick of whatever work or projects you have in progress. This time period requires you to see the bigger picture and realize growth can be painful.
You may experience growing pains similar to labor before giving birth to your baby project. Push through is the mantra of August. The joy of love will soon be delivered!
September 2025: Eight of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
September is about balancing and navigating life's challenges without becoming overwhelmed. You can expect to be very busy juggling many projects. Don't overbook your schedule. Keep times open where you can tend to your needs, including rest, exercise, and healthy eating.
If you tend to run late on deadlines, focus on timeliness. You could miss important deadlines if you don't write things down or use notifications on calendars. Use a planner or online scheduler to maintain better control over your itinerary.
Whatever you do, don't procrastinate. Use block scheduling to work on projects and deadlines in batches. This is an exciting time, and your hard work will generate financial rewards in the near future.
October 2025: Eight of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
October is about spiritual development and asking your higher power to help when overwhelmed. Your new life comes with demands, and you will experience an adjustment period. You may feel tired or stuck in this new life you are building. You may wonder if you are doing the right thing or have made a mistake.
People may seem to have abandoned you because you've changed. As a result of these changes, you may long for the life you had in January when things were simpler. It may feel like you will never get back to a normal pace, and you could feel stuck or trapped by your goals and the amount of work required to make them happen.
However, this is more fear than reality. Eventually, you will find a way to make things more manageable. Your friends and family won't be able to do this for you; mindset and outlook are changes you have to do yourself. You'll adapt to your new lifestyle before the month is over, and getting beyond this part of your growth will make you thankful for the journey. You'll see how far you've grown.
November 2025: Five of Pentacles, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
November is about improved financial stability and feeling confident about your future. Money will start to flow in, and with money, you'll be able to create more free time.
If you can afford to do so, this is the month to begin hiring people to do tasks you don't need to do anymore. You may hire a housekeeper to clean your place once a week. If you have small errands to outsource to a virtual assistant or another family member for pay, this is the time to do it.
The luxury lifestyle you desire is within reach. Things start to run smoothly. You'll have more free time and a sense of optimism. With financial freedom comes additional responsibilities, so rework your budget to include things like retirement, saving for emergencies, and investing in your business with new equipment or time-saving tools
December 2025: King of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
December is about fully embracing your courageous and determined nature. You are a leader who is powerful and influential. This is a wonderful time for you as you have come full circle. Your dream will continue to grow, but you are much more confident than in January. You may purchase a new car or buy a new wardrobe that reflects the new you.
This month, show appreciation for the people who helped you to accomplish your goals. You could write a public appreciation post on your social media or LinkedIn. If you network or grow a newsletter, you can share your accomplishments with others who will want to hear about your business growth.
This is the month to reflect on what you've accomplished. Consider what worked, what didn't work, and what you would do differently and use this knowledge to create a new strategy for greater achievement in 2026.
Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.