3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Financial Success The Week Of October 28 - November 3

When conventional and unconventional collide...

Chinese zodiac signs financial success week October 28 November 3 2024 Ali Pazani from Pexels | Canva Pro

Your heart will guide you to success despite it all! That's the theme in matters related to financial success this week for the collective from  October 28 to November 3, 2024. However, three Chinese zodiac signs will attract success more than the rest under this week's energy.

This week's I Ching hexagram of success is Fire over Lake (#38), changing to Earth over Wind (#46). It reminds us that opposition doesn't have to be bad in every situation. Sometimes, opposition is the crucible in which innovation and inspiration are born. 

Of course, every situation involving opposition is not positive. But if you can determine the difference, you will find yourself further than those who never embrace the value of opposition. After all, how can they even refuse to see what's outside the box?

If you feel called to, list three areas where you may achieve relative financial success if you make an effort. Then, ask yourself where you would be willing to put in the time and effort necessary for such a thing to come to life. The answer will open more doors and opportunities for you than you could have ever known. 


Three Chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success between October 28 - November 3, 2024:

1. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success october 28 - november 3, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro

Rabbit, you will be financially successful this week, and it's all because of the hard work you have put in over the last many weeks or months. Don't let anyone diminish the extraordinariness of this accomplishment.


Specific areas of financial success for Rabbit:

Those of you who work in housekeeping or have trade jobs, like plumbing, electrical work, and even construction, will have real success this week. People in the food industry, especially chefs, will do too. Others will experience success when they ground themselves within and don't allow naysayers to worm into their minds and seed doubts.

Remedies for financial blocks for Rabbit:

If you have experienced blocks in the financial arena in the past, you are encouraged to do a block-clearing ritual this week. You can use incense, sage, crystal salt, clear quartz, and fire. Use the salt to create a circle, then place a fire-proof bowl in the middle. Burn sage within that bowl, and while the sage burns, close your eyes and focus on the specific areas from where you want the blocks removed.


Power color to attract money for Rabbit:

Your power color this week is indigo, but you will benefit more from using items of that color instead of wearing them on your person.

RELATED: 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs With The Luckiest Horoscopes All Week From October 28 - November 3, 2024

2. Snake

snake chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success october 28 - november 3, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Snake, your potential for financial success this week is strong! You are encouraged to journal about your wins and how you arrived at them so you can replicate them in the future as well.

Specific areas of financial success for Snake:

Those of you who are dancers or dance instructors will have success this week. Others are encouraged to allow the body to move freely to invite fresh energy and good fortune into their lives.

Remedies for financial blocks for Snake:

If you have experienced financial blocks, it may be because you are surrounded by people or at least one mentor figure with negative beliefs about money and abundance. Honesty with yourself is necessary to see this.


Power color to attract money for Snake:

Your power color this week is red. You will also benefit from creating a charm (to achieve a specific need) and placing it in a red envelope on your altar or a sacred space.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For October 28 - November 3, 2024

3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs attracting financial success october 28 - november 3, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva Pro


Horse, you will attract financial success this week because you are currently in an astrological period where your inner fire and drive are heightened. Tap into this, and nothing will stop you!

Specific areas of financial success for Horse:

Those of you who are in the technological industry will benefit the most from this energy. You may receive new opportunities and even contracts that enable you to utilize your skills most efficiently while reaching a new stratosphere of success. Others are encouraged to be more technical in their specific fields. Using technology will bring you success.

Remedies for financial blocks for Horse:


If you have faced blocks recently in your career or finances, you may not have set strong intentions and have left the goal open-ended. This creates a block in your manifestation abilities, so try setting intentions first... even if you do it in the silent comfort of your mind.

Power color to attract money for Horse:

Your power color for the week is green. You can tap into this by bringing home items or green and vibrant decor!

RELATED: 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Major Financial Success In November 2024


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
