2 Zodiac Signs Experience An Abundant New Beginning On October 1, 2024

Luck is like love — you have to go all the way to find it!

woman and zodiac signs experiencing abundant new beginning october 1, 2024 Photo: Gaëlle Lewyllie | Design: YourTango

As this October 1st, 2024 rolls in and the exciting thrills of the spooky season are upon us, the cosmos are buzzing with a mystical energy that invites two zodiac signs to experience an abundant new beginning. 

With the Moon cruising through meticulous Virgo today, the universe urges everyone to realign their intentions with their gut. Today begins with a touch of tension as we’ll feel the pull between comfort and growth. This is the perfect time to break free from routines that feel constricting. Whether you’re liberating your mind from its current confines or feeling that slight tug to slip back into old habits, the cosmos encourages you to resist retreating into your comfort zone and truly get comfy with the uncomfortable today.


A self-reflective and healing vibe permeates the air today, reminding us of the importance of looking inward. We may be presented with an opportunity to find a sweet balance between nurturing our relationships and staying focused on our goals. Fresh, practical ideas emerge, paving the way for innovation and spontaneity. This is your time to act on your out-of-the-box ideas! 

As we navigate through the day, there will be an invitation to dive into our dreams and intuition, urging us to listen to our inner voice and approach decisions thoughtfully. By the evening, powerful energy amplifies our capacity for transformation, empowering us to embrace our personal strengths and make significant changes. 


Get ready to embrace the cosmic energies, and let this be a day of profound exploration, healing and empowered decision-making!

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Two zodiac signs experience abundance on October 1, 2024:

1. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac sign abundance horoscope october 1, 2024 Photo: Olha ZS | Design: YourTango


Capricorn, get ready for a profound focus on freedom in all its forms — physical, mental, and spiritual. And yes, before you ask, there's a way to schedule personal liberation in your planner! 

Right now you'll find yourself scheming up plans to resist any limitations around you, and you may crave new experiences and breaking free from your routines that feel as confining as a corporate cubicle. 

This is your moment to embrace independence and seek out adventures, big or small, to alleviate feelings of emotional boredom or restlessness. After all, you’re not just a capricious Capricorn — you’re the mountain goat scaling new heights, ready to tackle anything life throws your way (preferably with a detailed plan in hand, of course).

And let's face it: as a Capricorn, you’ve got a reputation for being the responsible one — the zodiac’s workhorse, the “always-on” planner who keeps everyone else on schedule. But now? It’s time to let your inner rebel loose! Channel that no-nonsense energy into a spontaneous new look. The world is ready to see you in a new light and provide you with the platform you need to be taken to the top! You’re not just a wallflower at the office party. You’re the one who can create the ultimate itinerary for a weekend escape. 


Embrace your need for structure, but don’t be afraid to color outside the lines. Climb those metaphorical mountains and create your own paths — after all, the best views come from those unexpected detours!

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2. Aquarius

aquarius abundance horoscope october 1, 2024 Photo: Olha ZS | Design: YourTango


Buckle up Aquarius, because Venus in Scorpio is totally putting a spotlight on your career, and guess what? You're totally owning it! You're basically the office superstar (or siren of everyone's dreams) right now! People are drawn to you like a magnet and your natural authority with Venus' sweet charm makes you the go-to person for schmoozing with the higher-ups. You're climbing that corporate ladder (or zooming up it in true Aquarian style, because stairs are so last season), and everyone’s taking notes!

Venus has you absolutely sparkling in all kinds of network opportunities. Your cool, quirky vibes, paired with Venus' machine could even land you an unexpected friends to lovers plot twist coming soon! Someone who's as competent and no-nonsense as you are might just catch your eye — because let’s be real, Aquarius, you won't fall for anything basic.

Whether you're organizing a team or casually dropping your brilliant, outside-the-box ideas, boosting your reputation and helping you achieve all your ambitions, you’re here to innovate, and success is ready to follow, Aquarius!


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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.
