How The Sun & Mars Helps 3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of October 7 - 13, 2024

In times of great struggle, you have power in what you choose.

Weekly Relationship Challenges Horoscopes For Three Zodiac Signs, October 7 - 13, 2024 partikusi design, pexels | Canva Pro

The week of October 7 - 13, 2024, three zodiac signs will overcome their relationship challenges with help from the Sun and Mars. 

The Libra Sun will square off with Mars in Cancer on Saturday, October 12, creating friction between trying to maintain a partnership and honoring your desires. While the Libra Sun encourages you to compromise and work through anything that arises, Mars in Cancer will intensify your emotional satisfaction, which means you may be unable to work together in your relationship. 


Being aware of this and allowing yourself to choose differently will be the only way to help make things work. Otherwise, you could find yourself wishing that you had. 

This same energy of the power of your choice is intensified on Sunday, October 13, as Mercury in the final degrees of Libra brings about a harsh reality as it forms a tense aspect with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury may want to help you determine what improvements need to be made in your relationship style. Still, Pluto is also fed up with the old way of doing things, so the results may be catastrophic unless you choose the path of togetherness and compromise. 


While it may at times feel like you don’t have power over how matters in your relationship progress this week, it is important to remember that you always have a choice when it comes to how you react or what you say. Making the right decision helps you discuss all the issues leading to this moment.

Three zodiac signs who overcome their relationship challenges from October 7 - 13, 2024:

1. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs experience relationship challenges october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Be patient with yourself, Capricorn, as you need to be centered in the week ahead. You are still enmeshed in the current lesson of finding balance in your life, specifically between your career and your romantic relationship. 


Part of this is the current eclipse season in Aries and Libra, but it does seem to be intensified during this time. The ultimate purpose of this is to help you have a completely fulfilling life versus one where you must choose between success and love. 

In this process, you’ve also been feeling quite stressed about navigating what arises and upholding your commitments at work and in matters of the heart. Luckily for you, this lesson is just about over. However, it doesn’t mean what you choose to do in the week ahead won’t be significant.

On Saturday, October 12, the Libra Sun will clash with Mars in Cancer, creating a moment in which it feels like no matter what you do, someone isn’t happy or something isn’t getting done. You have to realize that this is why your sense of balance matters so immensely: You can’t gauge your actions based on the opinions of others but instead on how you feel. 

While the Libra Sun encourages you to show up with dedication and motivation to your career, your partner doesn’t feel like you’ve been showing up consistently or pulling the weight at home. This isn’t because the relationship or family you’ve created doesn’t matter to you; it’s challenging to sort out what to do when you’re still trying to do it all. 


While it may be difficult when that confrontation arrives with your partner, remember that while there are many jobs, there aren’t many people with whom you can have a genuine relationship. 

And if they are willing to fight for it, perhaps you should also. You want to fulfill your work responsibilities this week, try to be home early, carve out plenty of quality time, and plan a surprise date — and if it comes down to a particular event, make sure you attend. Otherwise, this relationship could come to an untimely end.

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2. Aries

aries zodiac signs experience relationship challenges october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


It seems that you are having difficulty showing up for love in all the ways you truly desire, Aries, and it’s likely because of a critical situation at home or with family. While it can be expected to try to compartmentalize your life, the problem is that there aren’t different versions of you. 

You may feel like you want this great love, but you also want to uphold other relationships in your life, whether with family or children — yet your ability to merge these aspects of your life will make all the difference. 

Instead of seeing your time split up between dating or love versus investing time in other close relationships, try to make all of it more inclusive. This might mean decompartmentalizing your life, having the love of your life meet your family, or choosing to go on a date instead of staying home. 

The reality is that if you continue to do what you have been doing, nothing will change. You must start seeing your life as a whole because you are whole. Otherwise, you may miss out on truly spectacular love.


The Libra Sun will create tense energy with Mars in Cancer on Saturday, October 12, creating a crisis between your romantic life and your family or home. This situation is meant to help you learn to merge these two sections of your life or help you know how to divide your time better so that you are cultivating the life you want to live. 

This isn’t about sacrificing anything because while you love those you’re in a close relationship with, such as family or children, you also deeply crave a romantic partnership. 

By honoring this desire, you are giving yourself what you’ve always wanted; it means that you will need to change how you make plans, divide your time, or separate parts of your life. Let go of the fear that you’ll ruin something if you start enjoying time with all those you love or going out for an evening. You deserve complete happiness, which means creating time for everything important to you; otherwise, you may soon find yourself single again.

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3. Leo

leo zodiac signs experience relationship challenges october 7-13, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

While you have been doing your best to manage and continue this relationship, Leo, you may want to consider getting additional help. To be open to receiving that help, you must also let your pride go of thinking that sheer will alone will help to save a relationship. You have been doing the best you can, but it seems that there is a particular issue you and your partner just haven’t been able to resolve. It may also come down to how you are approaching a problem. 

While you have been focusing more on communicating healthily, there has been some resistance, as you think you are still in the right. When it comes to love, especially a relationship you want to last, you can’t keep thinking about right or wrong, but how to find a common point together that you can move forward from. You either have the choice to keep trying to force the issue at hand or, instead, to change how you’re going about it so you can make this relationship work.


On Sunday, October 13, Mercury in Libra will create a disturbance with Pluto in Capricorn, making issues come to a head and giving you a choice over how you will proceed. What makes this particularly interesting is that Mercury spends the first half of the day in Libra before moving into the first degree of Scorpio later in the afternoon, so if this issue isn’t handled, then it does pose the threat of separation — and moving out if you are already living together. 

Pluto returning to Capricorn is helping you focus on becoming your best self. Part of this also involves seeking help in those situations that warrant it — precisely what your relationship needs now. If you can schedule an appointment for couples counseling, you may be able to stave off a separation, but it is a choice that is yours to make. 

In this case, having someone help to mediate this issue, especially if it involves themes of home, can help you and your partner find that point of compromise to begin to move forward. It can also change how you communicate in relationships for the better. While asking for help or opening up to a stranger about your feelings might be challenging, doing so can keep you together and improve the relationship.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.