How The October 2 Eclipse Transforms Each Zodiac Sign's Love Life From Now Through October 6

It's eclipse week in the season of romance.

happy couple love horoscope transformed by solar eclipse Photo: urbazon from Getty Images Signature | Design: YourTango

We start the week of September 30 - October 6, 2024 in the shadow of an eclipse, which will come to full tilt on October 2 in the form of a New Moon Solar Eclipse (Annular) in Libra. Since this is Libra energy, each zodiac sign's love horoscope is impacted.

Eclipses tend to bring up hidden issues within your partnership so you can solve them once and for all. The eclipse energy may reveal a karmic soulmate or lead you directly to your soulmate, so pay attention to how everything unfolds. The Moon transiting through Virgo to Sagittarius this week brings how we relate to others and how we carve out a space for ourselves in the world into focus. People thrive when they choose to honor both their inner needs and those of their significant other to tend to the spirit of their relationship.

Finally, Mars in Cancer is the overarching guide for romance this week. Let your softer side come out and play here, even when you are proactive in love. Your intuition and romantic instincts will benefit from this blessing too. 

Now let's take a look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign for September 30 - October 6, 2024:


aries zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: October 5

Aries, the energy of love for you this week is all about knowing that love should not feel like a burden. Instead, it should be the warm cocoon you look forward to returning to after a tough day in the world or a best friend who will have your back through the thick and thin. If you know you have such a love, cherish it and capture those memories, whether through a photo book, a scrapbook, or a journal. 

Since Halloween is not too far away, let this week also be about having fun and engaging in the festivities with your partner or your date. The best path forward for you is to allow love to blossom organically and reveal its strength.

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taurus zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love: September 30

Taurus, the energy of love for you this week is steady, but it may bring old arguments or wounds from past experiences in love to the surface. Don't let triggers ruin what's special between you and your partner. Observe and ask yourself what you can do to heal. The answers will emerge from within you, especially around the eclipse time. 


If you feel called to, dance casually with your partner to some good music. Whether it's at a nightclub or the comfort of your living room, it will set your soul free and help you express yourself much better in the end.

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gemini zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: September 30

Gemini, the message in love for you this week is all about patience and grounding love in something real through dedication, affection, and time spent. This can be challenging because this earthy energy is not in sync with your more airy side. But a different perspective will help you see that you can apply this message to your airy nature as well. Real talk along with sweet whispered conversations can help you apply this message to your life.

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cancer zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: October 2

Cancer, your motto for this week in love is “mischief managed.” It's a call to let your fun-loving side out and enjoy the heady nature of romance without getting in too deep. After all, sometimes love requires depth for nourishment, but other times it requires fun and frolic to make it worth pursuing and having in one's life. 

If this makes you step out of your comfort zone, even better! You'll benefit from mixing food and love this week, whether that's by going on a date to a fine-dining tasting menu restaurant or enjoying each other's company on a stroll while munching on small bites. Let your creative side take over!

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leo zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love: September 30

Leo, the energy of love for you this week is warm and intense. If you are single, you may suddenly find yourself making eyes at someone new and feeling the first blush of a new romance. If you are already in a relationship, this energy will only bring you and your partner closer to each other. 


Just remember: fun is what you define fun to be. And the same applies to everything else. So be your authentic self and let your heart guide you. Even if you and your partner don't agree on everything, this fundamental understanding will bring you closer and add more flavors to your partnership.

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virgo zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: September 30

Virgo, the energy of love this week for you is very earthy and grounded. You will be more practical than usual in your romantic needs, especially if you are single and looking for love. Random fun and frolic won't do for you. You will need assurance that there will be something organic and that the love is meant to grow through all the various social traditions and manifestations in life. 

The most effective way to align with this energy is to admit your desires and needs to your partner. Even if it's a date, you can express what's appropriate given the circumstances. True compatibility will be revealed when you courageously do so.

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libra zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love: September 30

Libra, take a step back and relax. Love should bring peace and the knowledge that ebbs and flows are normal in life. So if you need more personal space some days, that should be respected just as much as the need to bond and cuddle. It will be the same for your partner too! Also, now's the time to put your foot down with class about non-negotiables in love. The eclipse will bring you true love when you do.


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scorpio zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love: October 4

Scorpio, have you wondered what your life will look like with your current partner in another ten or thirty years? If you are single, the question still applies, but with an invisible partner in mind. After all, manifestation is all about knowing what you want and then putting your full faith in that outcome. 


Don't shy away from what the future may be. What you imagine may not be a carbon copy of what occurs in the end, but it will reveal things that need to unfold between you and your partner now for that eventuality to occur. Equal reciprocity in love and affection is also a theme for you this week.

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sagittarius zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: September 30

Sagittarius, ground your love in something solid and true instead of the ephemeral. For example, instead of planning a fun weekend trip with a new partner, plan to go and get a health check together or start training for a city marathon six months from now. If you and your partner have been together for a long time, this may also be the time to talk about marriage, children, old age, and more. Grounding your love will not diminish the spark. It creates a foundation for that love to grow even bigger.

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capricorn zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: October 3 & 4

Capricorn, the energy of love for you this week is all about conquering your fears in love and knowing that history will only repeat itself if you ignore red flags. And sometimes that red flag may be within you, calling you to seek help so you can release the pain and heal once and for all. Working with a therapist is definitely indicated here while you have transparent and heartfelt conversations with your partner. 

Make this week all about acknowledging the small beauties of love, whether it's eating breakfast together, watching the sunset, or all the other details that make love so beautiful.


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aquarius zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love: October 5

Aquarius, the energy of love for you this week has a heady and frolicky feel to it. Don't be surprised if your mischievous side comes out to play under this influence. As long as you let your heart lead you, you will find delights and laughter with your partner wherever you may go. 


Weirdly enough, this energy has a more summery feel to it. So maybe a trip to the Southern Hemisphere may be just the thing! But you can also create the headiness of summer by engaging in the Halloween festivities and going on creative dates. Do what feels right to you and your boo!

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pisces zodiac signs weekly love horoscope september 30-october 6, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love: October 6

Pisces, the energy of love this week is sweet and summery (even if it's fall season where you live). Lean into it and you will find yourself swept into nostalgia and exchanging stories about favorite foods, old technology that may have phased out of civilization, and TV shows that gave you all the feels! 

Love doesn't have to be about the here and now always. Sometimes nostalgia can help you discover compatibility too. For some, this week is perfect for introducing your parents to your partner and vice versa.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
