Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On October 21, 2024
We have to show the universe that we want to heal...in all sincerity.
Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on October 21, 2024 under the energy of Moon square Neptune helping us get to that place of healing and well-being.
We have wanted this for so long, but it's only now that we realize that if we are to heal, we must meet grace halfway. We must show the universe that we want to heal sincerely. We can move forward or back down, knowing that if we back down, nothing will get done. This is a huge realization in its blatant obviousness: do nothing, get nothing. How did we not pick up on that one?
Yet, as human beings, we often don't read the cues that well, even when we need those cues to help us alter our own paths. That path will finally allow three zodiac signs to see that by opening our hearts to the idea of real emotional healing, we can really heal.
Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on October 21, 2024:
1. Leo
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You've needed good healing for a while now, but your pride stood in the way and made you believe you were okay. Well, you weren't, and that's just fine, Leo, because the only way to heal is to acknowledge that something needs healing.
You will take the knowledge that's been banging inside your head and do something about it. A very strong vibe of healing energy comes with this particular transit, and it's time for you to let it do its work. Don't fight it, Leo; you've already learned that fighting it brings you a lot of nothing.
And so, on October 21, you'll see that it really and truly is time to accept that certain parts of your life must take a back seat, if not a good riddance notice. It's time for you to heal, to move on, and to get back to being your great Leo self. Let Moon square Neptune lead the way. Let the healing begin.
2. Libra
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One of the things you've always known about is the power of manifesting due to affirmation work. If you concentrate hard enough on something, you truly believe that sooner or later, you can make thought into action. You bring forth the power of healing, which works.
You are surrounded by healing energy during this time, and this transit makes up so much of the magic that eventually leads you to much higher ground. What you know for sure, Libra, is that you must make changes in your life and that those changes, right now, feel scary.
However, you've never turned down a challenge, and while fear is a real thing, it's also a thing that is up for interpretation and perception. You choose to perceive your fear as a stepping stone to getting yourself what you want in this life, and by healing the pains of the past, you can free yourself for the future.
3. Aquarius
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You are coming to terms with something that's been on your mind for a very long time, and while it does come with its version of trepidation, you are at the point where nothing scares you. If you need change and help, you will reach out.
Monday, you may decide you can't hack it anymore because Moon Square Neptune brings a revelation of healing energy, and you cannot resist this. The universe is enacting an intervention, and you're the show's star.
There is so much healing energy, and you won't be able to say 'no' to it, and that's a great thing, Aquarius. Monday puts you on the other side of the healing effect; from here on in, it's Easy Street.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.