3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On October 16, 2024

We rise above challenges during the Waxing Moon in Aries.

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On October 16, 2024 Xenia, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

On October 16, 2024, three zodiac signs are tested by the universe under the intense energy of the fiery and impulsive Aries Moon. Aries, Leo, and Aquarius may not appreciate what will happen. However, after it's all done and over with, we may understand why we've been chosen for such a rigorous bank of trials. 

Haven't we proven ourselves to the universe already? Perhaps not. Ah, life, you know how to put us through our paces. So let us pass these tests together and walk away feeling victorious. 


We overcome sadness because the universe hands us a Wednesday filled with tests and options, but it doesn't mean that we necessarily fail; we don't. We pass those tests and surmise our limitations. We rise above during the Aries Moon and feel good because of it.

Three zodiac signs being tested by the universe on October 16, 2024:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs being tested universe october 16, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


As you take notice that, once again, you're in the lineup for being tested by the universe, you may utter a sigh. Not again, you say? Yes, again, but Aries, there's a reason behind all the tests, and so much of it is to instill in you the idea that you are strong enough to handle just about anything.

OK, you've got this, the Aries Moon, and what it does for you is show the universe that you are game. You may not want to be game, but the reality is that anyone as smart as you are will have to endure tests now and then. So, get used to it, as it's the universe's way of flattering you.

This Aries Moon is only the beginning, too, as 'waxes' suggests it's in transit. The lessons you'll be learning due to this cosmic event are ones you can take with you for the rest of your life. You are stronger than most, so, it's only natural for you to endure tests. Still, you pass them all so ... yippee!

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs being tested universe october 16, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

You have felt what it's like to be humbled. This always hurts your pride as a Leo, but you have never left a humbling experience without learning much to apply to future situations. You'll find that the universe is testing you again. Okay, bring it on.

You are strong and wise, Leo, and transits like the Aries Moon only serve you well. Sure, you'll be humbled once again, but it's no longer an ego thing for you. You are welcome to take these tests; by doing so, you place yourself above the test itself.


Because you are now such an accepting person, this translates into power and confidence in your body. Okay, there will be yet another humbling test for you to endure — big deal. It's not like you haven't passed them all, and if you fail, then no biggie; another learning lesson in your pocket.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs being tested universe october 16, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


During the Aries Moon, you might want to do something you've never done before. This transit tends to push our buttons and ignite our desire to know new things. This transit equally inspires you, and while it's all new territory for you, you will find yourself curious and daring.

You aren't acting impulsively, Aquarius, but you will be curious enough to do something totally out of your comfort zone. Getting past the initial fear is where the real 'test' lies, and because you've got the Aries Moon on your side, you will feel pretty fearless now.

So, if the universe wants to test you, then let it. You can't help or hinder what the universe wants of you, and you've come to trust in our grand universe, as all you ever really receive is wisdom. You will apply the wisdom learned on this day to new adventures and new achievements. Ultimately, you'll say, "It's all worthwhile."


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
