Luck Improves On October 10 For These 3 Zodiac Signs

Luck comes to us when we show the universe that we are brave enough to move forward.

luck improves zodiac signs October 10 2024 Photo: Carlos Mario from Pexels / Canva Pro | Design: YourTango

October 10, 2024, puts three zodiac signs in the position of becoming believers in luck improving once again. We keep hope alive and believe what we wish for will come true. Our daily astrology shows us this is possible during the Capricorn First Quarter Moon.

Capricorn energy shows us that there's nothing to stop luck from improving in our lives if we keep it real, and that's the kicker right there. Keeping it real — and set realistic expectations for ourselves. We keep our goals real and ourselves real. Luck improves for the three zodiac signs who can be honest with themselves during this time.


The First Quarter Moon represents a crossroads; we can cross the road or remain where we are. We know the Moon will go through its procession of phases no matter what, and that's our cue to do the same. Luck comes when we show the universe we are brave enough to move forward.

Luck improves for three zodiac signs on October 10, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus luck improves zodiac signs october 10, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


Oh, how you've loved living the way you do. You don't want to leave this lifestyle, but if you continue, you will eventually run into trouble, as what you're doing is not all that healthy for you. You have come to a place where you want what's best for you and not just what's fun.

During the Capricorn First Quarter Moon, you'll have the chance to face yourself in the mirror and see what you must let go of. It could range from anything like bad dietary habits to holding on to the past. The Capricorn First Quarter Moon reminds you that you still have a chance to change things, including improving your eating habits.

And change is what you opt for, Taurus because you have decided that it's better to work with the universe than to hedge your bets. Your luck improves when you decide you want it to and move toward health and well-being.

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2. Leo

leo luck improves zodiac signs october 10, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

What you need is that last little bit of luck to come your way, Leo, and fortunately for you, that's precisely what's about to happen, and so much of it is due to the Capricorn First Quarter Moon. This lunar transit pushes you over the edge, which you need. Luck is now at hand, and you will grab it.

It's as if you need to get to where you feel it's the point of no return; if you can back out, you usually take it, but not on October 10. On this day, you will recognize that the opportunity you've been given is what you need to take advantage of.


Because of the Capricorn First Quarter Moon, you won't look back and greet the new and unknown with open arms. You are no longer afraid of what you don't know and feel much less desire to control it all. You give yourself to the universe, and the universe, in turn, brings you good luck and hopeful days ahead.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius luck improves zodiac signs october 10, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


What you think of as luck generally comes to you as a result of prior actions. You like to think you are in charge of all the good things that happen to you, Sagittarius, and while all of that is true to a degree, you are still a child of the universe, and so you are subject to its laws...and its helpful transits.

During the Capricorn First Quarter Moon, you'll know there's more to it than you just doing the right thing; there's the universe's timing and how it moves to make your life a better place. You cannot claim credit for the movement of the stars, but you can take advantage of their gifts, which will be showered upon you.

You'll see this day as a chance worth taking, as the Capricorn First Moon always lets you know that you could easily drop back if you want. But do you want to drop back? Oh no, you don't, Sagittarius. You want to follow that arrow to the target; in your case, the target is happiness and good fortune.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
