3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The New Moon In Libra On October 2, 2024

We wish, therefore, we invite in the power of manifestation.

zodiac signs wishes come true October 2 2024 halfpoint | Canva Pro

October 2 brings us a day to remember for the zodiac signs, as we're not always that used to seeing our wishes come true, and yet...it's happening. The astrology of the day shows us that during the New Moon in Libra, anything is possible, and if we have had our hearts set on something, we may just see that secret wish granted. These three zodiac signs may not admit their secret desires, but it'd be silly to think we don't all harbor a private wish that we'd like to make come true. Our wishes might not be things others can understand, which is all the more reason these things are special just to us.


And so, for several zodiac signs, the idea of seeing a wish come to fulfillment on October 2 is no surprise, as the New Moon in Libra really does come through when it comes to being the genie in the bottle. We wish, therefore, to invite in the power of manifestation. It's only natural.

Three zodiac signs whose wishes come true after the New Moon in Libra on October 2, 2024

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs wishes come true new moon libra october 2, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Anytime we have a New Moon transit, we have ourselves an opportunity to make a real formidable change in our lives. During the New Moon in Libra, you'll feel the need for change and to bring back that ol' optimism, as you feel you've been slacking in that department. For you, Gemini, wishing big is a given, but doubting that wish is also par for the course for your zodiac sign. You'd love to have a day that isn't filled with self-doubt, and October 2 not only brings that day to you, but it shows you that wishes CAN come true if you stick with the plan.

And the plan is to hold on to hope. During the New Moon in Libra, you'll get that feeling that it's one way or another — a very Gemini way to feel — and you'll also see that if you want your wish to come true, you'll have to believe in it. Let the doubt go, Gemini; it's time to own that wish, as it is yours alone.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs wishes come true new moon libra october 2, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


It makes sense that the New Moon in Libra would influence your thinking as this is the day that truly shows you that it's all up to you whether or not you wish to see a certain wish come to pass. You've had this wish forever, and you know in your heart that it will come true. That's why you need to continue to believe in it and supply this wish with all the positive energy you can muster up, as this wish is just waiting for the right moment to come true for you, Cancer. And what better transit than the New Moon in Libra to see your wish through...to manifestation?

As far as your wish, it certainly isn't an impossible dream; it's quite doable and possible; what it's been waiting for is the proper timing. Fortunately, the timing is sheer perfection on October 2, as the New Moon in Libra puts all the pieces in order to make your wish come true.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs wishes come true new moon libra october 2, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


As soon as the New Moon in Libra hits town, you'll notice that things start to get interesting in your life, Scorpio, as this is the day your wishes miraculously come true. Hoo-hah, it's going to be a good one, and in your mind, well worth the wait. It's not as if you didn't put in the mind-power for this one, as you've never let go of this particular wish. October 2 brings in all the right elements, and with the power of the New Moon in Libra, everything seems well-balanced and ready for you to acknowledge. The universe waits for you to give the official 'go ahead.' As soon as you do, you get what you want.

Yes, you had to wait a long time, but still, the satisfaction of seeing your wish come to fruition is huge; while on the one hand, you can hardly believe how fortunate you are, on the other hand, you knew it all along: this was meant to be. Your wishes come true on October 2, and you are ready for it, Scorpio.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.