Luck Improves For These 3 Zodiac Signs October 1, 2024

Moon trine Pluto clears the cobwebs from our eyes.

woman surrounded by symbols of luck horoscope october 1, 2024 Photo: Raymond Petrik | Design: YourTango

Luck is on our side on this first day of October, and three zodiac signs not only pick up on it but make the very best of the situation. When the Moon trines Pluto, we' can see the light in almost everything we do. Light equals luck on October 1, 2024.

Maybe it has something to do with 'first days.' Positive thinking is especially strong at the top of the month. These three zodiac signs will work directly with Moon trine Pluto to clear the cobwebs from our eyes, so that we may see that which is good and pure.


What's special about Moon trine Pluto is that it works with acceptance and change. We feel enthusiastic about the month to come. We aren't dreading anything, even though we thought we might. We feel like nature is handing us a break, and we're all too happy to take advantage of that. It's a good day...a lucky day.

Luck improves for these three zodiac signs October 1, 2024:

1. Aries

aries luck improves zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


All it takes is a little perseverance and a whole lot of faith to hit a patch of good luck on October 1, 2024. What's going on during this time, Aries, is a culmination of your personal effort and the placement of Moon trine Pluto in the night sky.

All you've been working for has a purpose that relies upon your ability to change and flow with the times. You knew this ahead of time, and now that you've got Moon trine Pluto in your midst, you know that this day is not only the first day of the month but the first day of your super good luck.

Seeing how your luck can improve inspires the heck out of you, stimulates your mind, and allows you to think of even more amazing scenarios to live out. You are now ready to change and do all the work necessary to keep that luck flowing in your direction.

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2. Cancer

cancer luck improves zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

Alright, Cancer, things have suddenly taken a turn for the better where you are concerned. That should come as a total relief for you, as you weren't quite sure whether that one thing in your life would turn out well, and on October 1, 2024, you can see very clearly that it most definitely is.

During Moon trine Pluto, you get the distinct notion that change is imminent, and while nobody adores the idea of having to change something they are used to, you feel that the timing is now right. You have put it off for long enough, and now, you realize that change is good. The universe hears your call and responds with what you want, and what it looks like during Moon trine Pluto on October 1, is luck and plenty of it. It's definitely your day, Cancer.


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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius luck improves zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

It probably doesn't surprise you much that your luck is about to seriously improve, considering your own attitude these days is pretty phenomenal when it comes to positive energy. One of the most noticeable things to happen to you on October 1, is that you don't really ask for luck, and finds you.


You are happy and content with whatever you get, which is all the more reason why the universe chooses Moon trine Pluto to be its delivery system on this day, and why you'll be flooded with positive energy and that great sense of good luck.

While your luck definitely upgrades on October 1, you'll also feel that Moon trine Pluto is playing a big role in what's happening. Pluto represents change and a different way of thinking about things and much of your luck has something to do with accepting that you, too, have much change. All of this seems very doable to you. It's all positive and energetic.

RELATED: How Pluto Retrograde In Aquarius Affects Each Zodiac Sign From Now Through October 11


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.