The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On October 1, 2024

Wisdom comes from beyond the stars.

woman looking into universe for message october 1, 2024 Photo: AlbertoC, Dynamic Wang | Design: YourTango

On Tuesday, October 1, we not only welcome a brand new month, but four zodiac signs receive a message from the universe Moon trine Pluto as its vehicle and messenger. Four zodiac signs feel singled out for wisdom that comes from beyond the stars.

Perhaps it's because we feel we are starting afresh. This new month seems to ignite something inside us that wants to believe and be guided...and we receive this guidance. What we do with our messages is up to us, but there's a very good chance we're going to make the very best of this first day of October.


The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on October 1, 2024

1. Libra

libra universe special message zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You will do well on this first day of the month, as the universe lets you know in subtle and obvious ways that what you make of it, is what you get. While that may sound oversimplified, it's the quickest way to get to the point. During Moon trine Pluto, you feel the power of change heading your way.


The special message you'll receive has all to do with what you make out of this idea. Are you patient enough to work with Moon trine Pluto, or are you too shy to make that first move? It's all about self-improvement and there's a very good chance you'll understand how that goes, on October 1, 2024.

You like the idea that the universe is supporting you and you truly believe in yourself. You can do it, Libra, and you know it's true. That's what sets all of this new month up for you. What starts on October 1, follows through the month.

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2. Capricorn

capricorn universe special message zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Moon trine Pluto immediately hits you on October 1, Capricorn, and its meaning for you is changing. Change is good, and transformation is where you are headed. Only you know exactly what department in your life needs change, but once you feel the universal support, you'll figure it out soon enough.

This day brings you the sense that not only can you accomplish great things this month, but if you dare to pursue serious change, you'll create a shift in the universal dynamic. You could change everything, right here and now...if you're bold enough to do so.

And you, bold? Of course, you're the boldest, and while you might not always think you are, inside you know you can handle just about anything. You are on the right track now, Capricorn, and where you are heading is a place of pure goodness and well-deserved success.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius universe special message zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

If change is the name of the game on October 1, then Moon trine Pluto is the transit that takes you there, and safely, too. There's a fresh attitude all around you. It's as if others are feeling the 'newness' of the month, and everyone is willing to work in tandem.

You aren't always that open to change, but you are very good with timing, and you aren't one to miss out on a prime opportunity. This day presents you with one such opportunity and if change is required of you, then no biggie. That's how this day changes YOU; you are open to change, which is different for you.


So, your universal message of the day, brought to you by Moon trine Pluto, is to stay open, not reject change, and go with the flow, as this flow is bound to bring you great happiness. Take a chance on it; trust the's all going to be OK.

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4. Pisces

pisces universe special message zodiac signs october 1, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


The universe has a special message for you on this first day of the month, October 1, and it's time to get with it. This entire day gears you up for change and transformation, and surprisingly, you'll adapt to it.

You didn't think you'd need to change this radically, which is why it feels surprising — and yet, you feel good about all of it. Things are starting to make sense for you, Pisces, and you figure there's no reason to stall it any longer; the change you need to make is imminent.

October 1 shows you that if you simply put your mind to it and believe that all will turn out well, so will you. You know that certain things need transformation in your life, so why not start this new month with something new and amazing? You'll find that you are very much into it, so...have fun.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
