2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance On September 16, 2024

The energy of this day can create some transformation and growth for these two zodiac signs.

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The two zodiac signs that are most likely to experience abundance on September 16, 2024 will feel the shift caused by the moon moving from Aquarius to Pisces, heightening sensitivity and introspection. The moon will square Uranus in Taurus, creating some eccentric, hyper, and irritable feelings. That evening, the moon will also trine with Mars in Cancer, offering willpower, courage, and a time for self-improvement.


These earth and water transits will inspire transformative energy for the collective, but it’s important to not make any hasty decisions during this time. Rather, focus on centering and grounding yourself.

Two zodiac signs will most likely experience abundance and clarity from these transits on September 16.

1. Sagittarius

In the days leading up to the 16th, Sagiattarians may have felt nervous, distracted, and indecisive. It may feel difficult to express yourself, which can create some miscommunication issues, so it’s important to focus more on listening than speaking. Try not to let others pressure you into making any decisions, and confide in a trusted friend if you crave a second opinion.


The new moon in Virgo on Sept. 2 may have brought up feelings of fear and confusion. It likely highlighted challenges that are meant to test your character, so it’s important to stay focused on your primary goal and trust yourself. Experiencing any defeat or disappointment during this month may signify a need to reassess your goals.

A tarot reader on TikTok, who goes by @empathicmoontarot, revealed that Sagittarians can expect achievement, endings, and new beginnings on Sept. 16.

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You’re likely about to reap the rewards of your hard work, but you may feel conflicted between two different paths right now. You might be ready to end one chapter and begin a new one, so focus on finding balance and clarity to better assist you with your decision.

“You’re gaining some kind of new perspective here. It’s making you go in a new direction,” the tarot reader said. “You’re taking the new path. You could be leaving what no longer serves you in the past.”

She pulled five main energies that may surround Sagittarians for the rest of the month: guaranteed success, time with close friends, an open door, family sorrow, and getting back to the basics.

“Go through that door, go on that new cycle,” the tarot reader advised.


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2. Scorpio

Approaching the 16th, Scorpios can expect a heightened sense of self-expression in their professional ideas and pursuits, pushing them to plan for the future now that they know what they want and how to get there. With this magnified goal-directed energy and passion, you are ready to take action to propel professional growth.

The new moon in Virgo at the beginning of the month enhanced your power and influence, helping you promote yourself and accomplish your goals. Any resistance from the past has begun to fade, and this time invites you to form new relationships and ask for favors.

The tarot reader shared another TikTok detailing Scorpio’s predictions for Sept. 16, and they can likely expect travel, new social connections, and a new beginning.


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You likely planted the seeds of your manifestations long ago, and now you are ready to take the next step and finally see some “forward movement.” The tarot reader identified that there may be some form of negative energies or thoughts surrounding you on this day that can threaten your success.

“It’s time to start blocking [those] people, situations, out because you’re moving forward,” she said. “Some kind of victory is at hand. Watch what you're thinking here. Protect your energy.”


You may juggle numerous responsibilities around this time, but this busy month can offer you a transformative push toward your goals.

She pulled five main energies that may surround Scorpios for the rest of the month: a new career or raise, a time to act, obstacles to overcome, heartache over what you no longer have, and romance.

“I feel something big is coming in for you,” she said. “It’s time to act, the time to get rid of these negative thoughts and move forward here.”


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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics. 
