5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Have The Best Love Horoscopes From September 16 - 22, 2024

Heartfelt moments and beautiful love.

couple with best chinese zodiac love horoscopes september 16-22, 2024 Photo: DAPA Images, Jeremy Müller, Anthony Tran | Design: YourTango

Let romance be the spice in your life, not the whole meal. That's the message and theme in matters of the heart this week, between September 16 - 22, 2024, for the collective. Of course, five Chinese zodiac signs will benefit the most under this influence — namely, Ox, Rat, Rabbit, Horse, and Goat. But the rest are encouraged to let love guide their steps but not their entire life too.

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Fire over Fire (#30) changing to Wind over Mountain (#53). It reminds us that love can feel heady and ecstatic when we are in the first blushes of it. But no one can keep that raging fire going forever — they are not meant to. After all, it's a monumental event when a seed bursts into a sprout, but then things need to transform as the days progress.


So let love grow at its pace, and be okay with its various manifestations and challenges. That's what makes true love solid and real and causes false love to fall apart. Just remember: luck favors those who do their part while being receptive to the cosmic currents manifesting things for them. So let your heart guide you forward, but also be receptive to love, care, and affection from the one you engage with.

Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week of September 16-22, 2024.

1. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs luckiest love september 16-22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Ox, your luck in love this week has a mysterious quality to it. If you are single, your luck will find you when you are enjoying your own company and basking in solitude. This doesn't even have to be in the comfort of your home. Strolling outside, watching a movie by yourself, and enjoying a donut at the corner shop will create space for this luck to work too. Let your independence be your anchor!

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this week is all about your relationship with your friends and family and bringing your partner into that circle. The vice versa is true too, so don't be shy about meeting their friends and family! The collective will bring you joy, laughter, good ideas, and even deep love.

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2. Rat

rat chinese zodiac signs luckiest love september 16-22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Rat, your luck in love this week calls on you to be sure of yourself and what your heart knows is right for you. If that means walking away from a toxic dynamic creating havoc in your life, you must trust that inner nudge. Your luck will pave the way for a more caring tomorrow.

If you are in a relationship, this luck will be more potent in your life than in that of Rat natives who are single. You are encouraged to express yourself authentically and with love. Kindness will also pave the way for you.

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3. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs luckiest love september 16-22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Rabbit, love can make the world go around! That's the sentiment (and luck) in store for you this week. If you are single, lean into this and don't allow pessimism to take root! You will find exactly what you want as long as you have faith in the cosmic forces. Your red thread of destiny is spooling in the one meant for you.

If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to be honest about your wants and desires, especially in matters of intimacy and love languages. Reciprocation and something extra special will emerge. You won't even feel the strings your luck will pull behind the scenes this time.

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4. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest love september 16-22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Horse, your luck in love this week is all about knowing exactly what you want and going after it with full intention. Of course, you should honor people's boundaries, but when you know they are just as into you, this is the call for you to be proactive and let luck be the wind beneath your wings!

Whether single or in a relationship, your luck will also help you manifest your desires in love. So now's a good time to do a love ritual, especially over the weekend. Just make sure to avoid manifesting during the Lunar Eclipse on September 17 as they tend to create unknowable effects alongside bringing you what you want.

RELATED: What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect During The Month Of September 2024

5. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs luckiest love september 16-22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Goat, your luck in love this week is all about trusting your gut when it comes to romance. If something feels off, set healthy boundaries. If your heart tells you that you should slow down, then do so too. Impatience may try to get the best of you, but you must trust this luck and its mysterious workings.

Those of you who are in a relationship will feel this luck more strongly than those of you who are single. It may bring you some unexpected gifts too or tickets to a vacation you desperately need. Let your partner take the lead this week. That's how you will give your luck space to unfold and surprise you pleasantly.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.